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Men victim of abuse and domestic violence
by CatListener
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2 days ago
2 days ago
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If you are a man and you have been a victim of emotional, physical or sexual abuse your situation is real and valid.
It is not shameful. Your situation is valid. Men deserve love and support. Men can be as vulnerable as women.
Male victims: You are not alone!
by CatListener
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Are you a male victim of domestic violance? You are not alone
Prvalence and Misconceptions
Underreporting: Male victims often underreport abuse due to stigma, shame, and societal expectations of masculinity. Men may feel pressure to "tough it out" or fear they won't be believed.
Prevalence: Studies suggest that men experience domestic violence at rates comparable to women. According to some reports, nearly 1 in 4 men experience intimate partner violence (IPV) at some point in their lives.
Misconceptions: There's a stereotype that men can't be victims of domestic violence, especially when the abuser is a woman. This belief can prevent male victims from recognizing abuse or seeking help.
Types of Abuse Experienced by Men
Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, pushing, or using weapons against men.
Emotional and Psychological Abuse: Insults, belittling, manipulation, gaslighting, and isolation from friends or family.
Sexual Abuse: Forced sexual acts or coercion. This form of abuse is rarely discussed when it comes to male victims, but it exists.
Financial Abuse: Controlling access to money, sabotaging employment, or forcing a man to hand over his income.
Legal Abuse: Threatening to make false accusations of abuse, manipulating the legal system to gain custody of children, or making false reports to the police.
Barriers to Seeking Help
Shame and Stigma: Men may feel that admitting abuse is a sign of weakness.
Fear of Not Being Believed: Law enforcement, courts, and even friends or family may not believe that a man can be a victim.
Men aren’t loved the right way.
by yashggorani
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Men aren’t loved the right way.
Majority of us are unaware of how to love a man.
We assume that MEN :-
🚩 don’t have much needs.
🚩 can take care of themselves.
🚩 should only provide for us.
How badly conditioned we are.
What I really believe is that MEN :-
💁🏻♂️ need as much love as women.
💁🏻♂️ love to be nurtured & taken care of.
💁🏻♂️ have emotional needs they never talk about.
💁🏻♂️ crave for commitment (just like women).
💁🏻♂️ desire for a secure & a loving woman.
💁🏻♂️ love to provide & protect.
💁🏻♂️ love to be encouraged & supported.
💁🏻♂️ love to be recognised for their uniqueness.
💁🏻♂️ love to be treated with respect.
💁🏻♂️ crave for a safe space to express themselves.
Women must heal themselves, become secure and love men the way they truly deserve.
Also, men must heal too to become open & receptive to
love that comes their way.
A small step but we’re all just asking for empathy
by aquaSpruce8551
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I am really glad to finally see a call into the void actually be answered with the realization of this forum. Like a lot of men that need something like this I’ve felt neglected by the vast majority of “support” out there. Extremely socially accepted, outwardly empathetic, and rewarded people in my communities growing up and on this platform have acted quite cruel to men for being insecure or sharing certain qualities about their bodies or lifestyles. I just want this forum to succeed in that the men here show empathy towards themselves, take the power of the belittlement or emasculation or misandry out of the words and actions used against men by understanding one another.
im exhausted. Im really tired of not being able to talk about this in a productive and safe way. Please be respectful to everyone. And most importantly be empathetic.
Feeling Pathetic
by aquaSpruce8551
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I’ve posted something like this before. I’ll tread carefully because it’s not something that 7 cups would be ok with details being shared. I have a pretty shameful feeling about my body and sex. It started when I was a kid growing up smaller than other boys by a considerable amount and I got a bit bigger and almost caught up with everyone by high school but I still felt small. This meant more relating to sex at that point. I had a several first experiences with girls I was dating who cheated on me and spread rumors about my body and I felt this ghost of judgement. Like who else knows? What do they know? Do they believe them? I still live inside of this paranoia and sex is both a disappointment and an obsession and I feel like a loser because of it. Is it normal for men to have gone through this? What would have been an appt way to react? Why did no one step in? How do I reconcile becoming a masculine confident adult with all of this embarrassment? Like I imagine how fulfilling life could have been if I was a taller and bigger person when dating one of those girls who i thought was really special. But instead I feel pathetic because I’m not really a man. The story(my life) feels like it’s already thrown so off course and I have no control over the narrative. I wish I could start over.
Where are our MEN heading to?
by yashggorani
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December 3rd
December 3rd
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Where are our MEN heading to?
Who are they becoming?
Many men are disconnected from their hearts.
Many men are only living in their minds.
Many men are slaves of power, ambition & money.
Many men are extremely harsh on themselves.
Many men are carrying past emotional baggage.
Many men are emotionally unavailable to themselves.
Many men are unaware of self-love & self-care.
Many men are neglecting their emotional needs.
Many men are prioritising everyone except themselves.
Many men are hiding their true emotions.
Many men are becoming aggressive.
Many men are feeling suffocated & helpless.
Many men are burdened by responsibilities.
It’s time for men to go through drastic inner changes and heal their hearts on priority.
PS : Do you think that men must heal now? ❤️
A new Men's Issues Community already working!
by jacek73
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November 29th
November 29th
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Hello Everybody 😊
I am not sure how exactly it works here (so I am sorry in case I did anything not very recommended), but I really disliked seeing the blank space in this Community we needed - and this message is to let you know that thanks to some efforts by many good people here at 7 Cups the Men's Issues section is already open! 😊
Despite the popular myth about men, we are not all "alpha males". We, men, are sometimes open and talkative, sometimes intelligent, sometimes thoughtful and sometimes very sensitive.
We are not indifferent and we care about our lives, our partners, our children, our friends and other people around. We believe it is not the power or violence, but wisdom and love that make us men.
Certainly, this Community is also not going to be any "men vs. the rest of the world" debate, because beside the qualities described above I believe we also tend to be self-critical, too 😉
Also, sometimes we suffer from feelings that may have their sources in events buried deep in the past. We are strong, but not indestructible.
Some of us might have lost their fathers or haven't known them at all. For some of us our fathers have been alive, but not emotionally available or not setting a good example, so the only parents we have really known were our mothers or grandparents.
We are humans, so we may suffer from things like depression, grief, fear or anxiety. And some of them may be connected to us trying to fulfil our positive roles in this world as men, fathers, brothers, sons or husbands, to some specific feelings we have as a result of our experiences and specific events or traumas we have been going through.
I believe this is what Men's Issues Community on 7 Cups forums might be all about...