Day 6: Journalling to Cultivate Flourishing
Hi everyone!
It is Day 6 of the 25 Days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth event at 7 Cups and we have been so excited to read some of your amazing responses and to get to learn a little more about you! Thank you for getting involved and we hope you are enjoying the event as much as we are!
What is Flourishing?
Flourishing is a concept rooted in positive psychology that refers to living a life filled with meaning, purpose, and well-being. It is more than just feeling happy - it means living in a way that is fulfilling and aligned with one's values, strengths, and potential.
What are Some of the Benefits of Journalling?
Journaling can help you organise your thoughts, provide mental clarity, and increase your well-being. It can also provide an emotional release which is good to be able to process our own thoughts and feelings. It can help us become even more self-aware and we may also notice patterns in our journal entries. It can also increase resiliency and decrease feelings of stress and anxiety too!
Here are 4 journal prompts to promote flourishing and well-being. You may wish to try these prompts to cultivate deeper self-awareness, gratitude, and growth:
What are three things that brought me joy or peace today, and how can I bring more of them into my life?
What is one small act of kindness I can do for myself or someone else tomorrow?
What are three qualities I admire in my closest relationships, and how can I nurture these qualities?
What makes my life feel purposeful? How can I align more of my daily actions with this purpose?
If you feel comfortable you are also able to share them with us!
Photo by Julia Kicova on Unsplash
Love the link between utilising journaling to flourish in life hehe, thank you for this lovely message and the thought provoking prompts, Lisa!💛
Copying these to my journal for my next journal-sesh!🌞
I am so glad they were helpful and I love that you are using what you find here on 7 Cups in your actual day to day life! This is beautiful and it was nice to see you here today! 🌻☀️
Aw thank you, always so lovely to see you too!💛
What a great reminder! I have tried to journal daily and start with gratitude. I can really tell when I am slipping in my life because my Journaling slows down and sometimes stops. Thank you for sharing.