How would you describe depression?
398 Answers
Last Updated: 06/04/2023 at 5:09pm
★ This question about Depression was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Lisa Groesz, PhD
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Top Rated Answers
August 29th, 2016 4:29pm
Everyone experiences depression differently, but in general answers, it feels horrible. For me, I didn't want to get out of bed. I slept a lot, I didn't eat much. It's just a really sucky feeling and I hate it.
heavy, painful, dark, lonely, stuck in a whole, crying, fear, sadness, pressure, lack of motivation,
It`s very difficult to describe depression to someone who has never been there, because it`s not sadness. You feel exhausted, devastated, lonely, crushed, trapped. . .all at once.
A lonely isolated place, but I also don't want to be with people?
A place that seems to take the energy out of every cell in my body, even getting out of bed and getting dressed is an effort.
A tiredness that sleep doesn't cure.
A place that makes me feel different to everyone around me, like I exist on one side of a thick glass window and everyone else on the other side. I don't belong anywhere.
Feeling I'm hiding a sinful secret, so I pretend to be "ok" " just tired" etc.
Feeling like no one would actually get how it affects me anyhow, and that would be worse than keeping it to myself.
It can stabalise and then it's suddenly there, makes you feel like a failure.
February 1st, 2016 2:32pm
Well for me depression is prolonged sadness without any logical reason because of which you feel empty and hopeless.
It's like when you're drowning... You keep reaching for the surface but no matter how much you try, you just can't seem to get yourself up so you can breathe. You feel helpless and hopeless. Very scared, lonely, and sometimes even angry.
Anger without enthusiasm results in a state of mind called depression. Its mainly due to lack of expressing our view.
July 9th, 2015 12:13pm
It differs from person to person. For me, it was the empty feeling you feel inside even when you are surrounded by people, overthinking about each and every thing, feeling sick even when I was not.
July 9th, 2015 8:14am
Depression is waking up in the morning and wishing you hadn't. You constantly feel as though nothing matters. Nothing has any real significance. You long for the ability to feel something. Nothing excites you. Everything seems negative. You have a hard time seeing anything in a positive way.
July 9th, 2015 3:24am
Depression to me is like having your mind replaced by another one that makes me feel worthless and numb to life--even to my own husband and son. It deprives me of feeling anything other than a sense of perpetual sadness, never quite knowing the source of it but knowing that feeling well. Depression has stolen my confidence and now I no longer feel I am worthy of anyone's love. Depression calls me names and makes me have awful thoughts, and there have been times when depression has won and I've taken an overdose.
It's like being stuck in a box that you can't get out of--a very dark place where you feel so low that even simple tasks are difficult You feel completely alone A total loss of who you are Standing underneath a floor of glass, screaming and banging on it trying to get the attention of the rest of the world going about their lives without you. The problem is no-one can hear you or even knows you're trapped there.
its like this cold thing that washes over you, you are so tired and its like your so sad you can't find the energy to cry, you feel heavy and just worthless and push people away.
February 3rd, 2016 9:52pm
Depression is a big black hole that someday you notice is big enough to make you fall into it but then it is too late
I would describe it as a feeling of emptiness. A feeling of being alone without actually being lonely. A feeling of despair and desperation to be heard, but yet feeling as if nobody would understand. Depression is sadness, confusion, and an internal pain that seems to have no end.
February 5th, 2016 6:52am
Depression is numbness, not the a bad mood or a good mood. It's the feeling of absolute nothing and the fear that it will never get any better.
Depression is like a demon following you telling you, you can't do this or that ect and it gets bigger if you don't try and stop it.
Depression is hard. In my experiences, when I'm feeling depressed I always forget about the future and dwell on the past or the current. You always have to remember that there is a future, and things will get better. When I'm depressed, nothing is enjoyable. Everything seems useless and boring and I can't be bothered to do anything, because I'm in a mindset that "nothing really matters." When you start to feel that way, you've got to change your mindset. That takes willpower, but it can be done. Having a positive mindset is a very important thing to have, especially when you suffer from depression.
depression will make you feel like you are worthless, like you cant do anything, and makes you think that no matter what nothing will get better so you just wont bother, but if you keep trying and you push through it, it is the most rewarding feeling you will ever have :D
April 11th, 2017 1:52am
I would describe it as a suffocating feeling. It comes over you whenever it feels like it, and it doesn't go away for quite some time, if at all. Your heart almost hurts, and you don't want to move or do anything, really. It drains all your happiness and motivation, leaving you empty.
Depression and sadness mean two different things. Sadness is a normal emotion and if something bad was to happen then you may feel sad, but that sadness will lift after a few days. However, depression is a persistent sadness - it can last for weeks, months or even years.
I feel like depression can manifest itself differently in different people but of course with some underlying similarities. For me, depression is a feeling of hopelessness, lonliness (even though you rather be alone), lack of motivation, lack of appetite and just an overall extreme sadness. It has felt like a black hole that seems to be all around me. But with me, I always bury how I am feeling (as much as I can) and make sure that outwardly I am the person that everyone knows, which is the one that is always laughing and making jokes. Depression can be really crippling and can be deadly without the proper help.
February 6th, 2016 11:25am
I would describe it, as this.
You feel like you are drowning, you are underwater, and nobody can hear your pain. Breathing is hard, impossible yet you are still alive. You are falling away from society, yet you can see everyone around you.
A numb feeling, with no enjoyment in activities or life. Pleasure is decreased to a low level and a feeling of hopelessness.
December 31st, 2015 1:32am
I'm under a duvet, a massive one. I'm weighed down with weights to the bed and I am weak. I can see light peeking from a side of the duvet. Occasionally I will be able to stick a hand out to see if someone would pull me out. But every time, I am ignored or they can't pull me out. They help, but I am still trapped. But soon, someone will pull me out. I know it.
December 30th, 2015 3:01pm
It feels as if you're dragged into an endless cycle of worrying, sadness and emptiness, and it doesn't stop, no matter how much you want it to.
Depression is something what makes you see in everything the worst even if it is not bad at all. It's like wearing sunglasses in the dark.
December 31st, 2015 12:58pm
Feeling like you just don't care about anything or anyone. Being numb. Things that used to make you happy just fell like every day things. Nothing is really special anymore.
Depression, especially it's severe form is NOT mere sadness, it is a debilitatingly paralytic medical condition which rots one's mind from the inside out. It causes immeasurable mental pain. Those afflicted by this sickness suffer in a way that's inhumane, but yet since we look fine on the outside, we're looked at as weak and defected, and shunned as if we have mental HIV. Normal people think they can relate, because we've all been through the blues, and they apparently have the solutions, SNAP OUT OF IT and THINK POSITIVE. Do you tell a person with diabetes that if they think positive magically insulin will start being produced? It's the same thing, in the former, the brain is not functioning properly, and in the latter it's the pancreas. The following is a little taste of what full blown clinical depression feels like....
"What I had begun to discover is that, mysteriously and in ways that are totally remote from normal experience, the gray drizzle of horror induced by depression takes on the quality of physical pain. But it is not an immediately identifiable pain, like that of a broken limb. It may be more accurate to say that despair, owing to some evil trick played upon the sick brain by the inhabiting psyche, comes to resemble the diabolical discomfort of being imprisoned in a fiercely overheated room. And because no breeze stirs this cauldron, because there is no escape from this smothering confinement, it is entirely natural that the victim begins to think ceaselessly of oblivion."​
Personally, I would describe depression as being in a state of deep sadness that can't be truly analysed. It's as if you become a hollow shell of what you originally were, and it's very difficult to enjoy daily life like you once did. It's like a negative cloud is constantly above you, having judgement on everything you do and it makes you experience awful emotions that can't exactly be linked to anything. I think in those times, it truly makes you question so many things that don't necessarily have an answer. It's truly difficult to deal with depression, because it's like someone or something has drained your liveliness and passions to a point where it feels like all you're doing is just surviving, you're not even living. It's like being chained to every dreary thought that you could possibly have, and no matter how much you want to get on with daily tasks it's seems so impossible as the chains drag you back into an apathetic, melancholic lifestyle.
December 11th, 2015 1:10pm
i would describe it as just a very dark place in your head, you're still in there looking out of your eyes but you cant stop what you're doing, something has taken over your brain and it just makes you feel alone and lost in yourself and like you dont have control over your thoughts and sometimes words and actions
I would describe it as a feeling where you have no control over how you are feeling. You know what you are doing might be detrimental to your mental state, but you do it anyway because you don't feel like you are in control.
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