How long does it take to get over someone?
393 Answers
Last Updated: 01/24/2023 at 3:52am
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April 16th, 2015 10:16pm
7 years. After that it wont be so bad anymore. Tho if you see the person offten it takes longer.
That is all based on your feelings and mindset. Mainly how big of an impact that person was in your life
It actually depends on how much the person made an impact on you and it honestly takes time to get over someone especially the feelings you had for that person and the memories you made together.
It varies. Everyone is different. It also depends if this was your first relationship, or how long the relationship was. The more intense the relationship, the longer it will take to get over. Generally a healthy goal to shoot for is to be able to move on within 6 months, maybe a little less or more. Anymore than a year and you should talk to a professional. IT also depends though if you are married and had children with the person- it may difficult to "get over them" when they are still apart of your life.
December 19th, 2015 3:56am
it depends on your will.
August 6th, 2015 2:02pm
One crazy thing about getting over someone is that it cannot be measured by time. It varies. It is like one day you'll wake up and realize you no longer love that person.
April 1st, 2019 1:41pm
The more intoxicating the love, the more difficult it will be to let go of it all and move on with your life. You’re not going to want to let go because you remember how good it once was and believe it could be that good again. You still have hope that things may one day change.
And you’re right. Things will surely change, but how they will change likely won’t align with the way you’re hoping things will change. But I’m just speaking from personal experience.
Even when you come to accept that it is time to move on, it’s not always easy to move on. The question of “why?" keeps popping into your mind. Why did things have to end this way?
I’m here to tell you it doesn’t matter why. Things ended the way they ended because that’s the way they ended. You can pick apart and learn from your mistakes, but past that, there isn’t anything else to learn from the circumstance.
It’s important to understand not everything happens for a reason. I know this goes against what most of us have been taught to believe, but the reality is some things didn’t need to happen but happened nonetheless. And all we can do is learn from our mistakes and work toward a better, more fulfilling future for ourselves.
You don't get over someone if that person meant everything for you. You just slowly learn how to carry on without them. Hating something you love is painful.
There is truly no time span at all. I suppose you just accept things as they are and decide to move forward for yourself. Remember you are just as whole now as you were before they entered your life. I've been in your situation before.
February 4th, 2016 1:46pm
It depends on the length of the relationship and the seriousness of the relationship. I would also think that if you had a deep physical connection in addition to an emotional connection that would mean that it could take longer. I think it's hard to give an approximate time frame as every person is different and grief is different for each person. As an example, I was married for almost 13 years. The marriage ended in divorce about 4-5 years ago and I am only just now beginning to feel real healing.
Usually the longer you've had strong feelings for them, the longer it takes. It's perfectly normal for the recovery phase to take as long, if not longer than the time you were together if you really fell deeply for that person. However, if you're really intent on moving on as quickly as you can, then as soon as you feel ready, it can help if you engage in activities that you enjoy, but perhaps couldn't do with your partner. It's a handy way of reminding yourself that your happiness isn't as dependent on your ex as you may think, and bit by bit you can start rebuilding your life :)
After my first divorce, the pain of being left alone would not go away. Then, some night after a few months I had a drink at a bar. I sat down next to an older teacher, I knew vaguely. He had a reputation for being unconventional and a bit wise. After a few drinks I asked him this question: "How long does it take to get over someone?". I expected him to give me a scientific answer, but he just said: "Usually 1.5 times as long as the relationship lasted". "What? My marriage lasted for six years", I exclaimed. We both laughed but he never assured me that he had been joking. It took me a long time to get over this relationship. I dated in between, had a longer relationship too, but it took me at least nine years to get over this first break-up. The teacher was right. It took much longer than I hoped for. Even today, 16 years later, I sometimes dream that some day, as old people I will meet her again and we continue, as if nothing ever happened.
A friend of mine was left by his wife and he was in bad shape for a month. Then he stumbled across his new love (who was left by her own man) and together they are now happier than ever before. I guess the answer has to be scientific: "It depends...".
To be really honest, you cannot stop loving someone even though it is in the past or it is unrequited. If it is just lust, staying away will help. If you love the other person truly, then that love will never fade. Just accept that she/he doesn’t want you in her/his life anymore and stay away from that person. May be time and distance will help both of you to realize what you both mean to each other. Till then stay away, otherwise you will be hurt so much. Time doesn’t heal anything. It just teaches you to live with that pain. True love will never go away and you cannot forget that person. But remember that if things are to happen, they will realize someday. I am still crying as I write this one, because I know how much it hurts to be ignored by the one who means a lot to me. Save yourself from that pain.
Sometimes we don't get closure all the time and it is not required either. We just have to learn to live with that pain.
I believe its more of a how long are you willing to let go and let yourself heal question. It could take years or months, , the whole process is really slow.
It may take up to a week before you can fully get over someone. The best thing I can suggest is moving on. There will be plenty of other people and yeah you may have to break a few hearts along the way and yeah some may break yours, but that's just part of life and that's how you learn to find the one.
February 11th, 2016 8:55am
It depends. Some take months, some take years. It's just a matter of accepting things you cannot change.
There's definitely no timetable in getting over a failed relationship. I believe it's about grieving the loss, (in a healthy way) but not allowing it to overtake you. Reflecting upon the relationship, whether it was healthy or not, what was learned while in the relationship, what good will come from it ending, are things that will take time, but eventually, will become evident. Getting ones heart broken is part of life. That isn't any comfort to someone going through the pain of a failed relationship, but as we grow older we know that's true. This is always a time when good friends come in handy.
July 2nd, 2015 10:56pm
I believe it varies because everyone is different. For instance, it took me a year to get over an ex because of the emotional pain he had caused me.
Honestly? As long as you need. Getting over someone is rough, but time heals all wounds. Eventually you will move on, because you are strong enough to overcome this.
Getting over someone takes time, especially if the feelings of attachment towards that person is strong.
When you're in love you love everything about that person, how they look, talk, what they do.. But when it comes to end you feel empty. Will you get over that person fast or slow depends on how much you cared about it. Sometimes it takes long time to feel fully recovered and healed, but on the other side you should keep trying to make yourself feel better by remembering yourself that life is too short to be in pain all the time.
As long as you are convinced that you do not have feelings for for the person. We are all different
However long it takes until you stop thinking about that person during the day and during the night. It'll take some time but you'll get there. Everyone can move on, it's just a matter of determination.
Take as long as you need , especially if you truly loved them . It's gonna take a while but be patient and now it will get better
December 30th, 2015 12:27pm
There is no specific time of when you get over someone. It's really up to you. You have complete control over your emotions. You can try doing activities like reading, sports, hanging with friends, etc. To speed up the process of not thinking about it. Just stay strong and know that time helps heal.
December 16th, 2015 9:35am
It takes 3 months at MOST for your mind to adapt to your new situation and become better for it. And this is for any situation good or bad.
December 27th, 2015 1:33pm
You cannot give an exact answer for that because it depends on the individual on how hard he/she fell for that person and how he/she values him/her.
It depends on who you are? It can take forever it seems like or only a few weeks. It varies from person to person
It varies for everyone, but it's when you can see that person's facebook/snapchat/whatever and see that even if they're smiling without you, you only wish them the best. You have no unease in your heart, and you feel nothing but peace :) It'll come, even if it doesn't seem like it does now I promise.
December 30th, 2015 4:22am
There is No scientific answer to this question because it depends on who you are. for example if you were with someone for 5 years and it ended and you truly loved them it would take you months maybe years to get over them or you may never get over them. Then there is the players that are like damn i got dumped oh hey there is a hottie over there lets go score one. then there the people who only take awhile because they understand that the person is no longer loving them and wants to move on and they have accepted it.
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