How long does it take to get over someone?
393 Answers
Last Updated: 01/24/2023 at 3:52am
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Everyone is different, and for some it may time more time than others. It depends on how serious the realtionship may have been and how much you cared for the person. Nevertheless, if you have an open heart and mind, and allow yourself to move on, it'll only a matter of time.
Truthfully I feel you never truly "get over" someone you once loved because when you truly love someone you give them apiece of your heart. When a piece of your heart is given one never gets it back, the person who gave the piece quite truthfully will never be whole again. Sometimes we can go from relationship to relationship wanting what we had before. Wanting that single piece of our heart back in our possession once again. I think when a person "gets over" an ex we are simply coming to the understanding that we will never feel that Same love again.
Took me several months to let him go, but he's still there somewhere in my mind even now. Like.. I definitely don't wish for anything anymore again, but I never stop caring. He needed only a few weeks (less?) to get over me though.
The answer for this is dependent on much good you can squeeze out from a particular situation and how much grateful you can be, for a situation, shall indirectly lead you to your solution..
It is not a day, a month or a year long process. It depends on your willingness to get over someone. No one can help you get over it except you. People may pick up broken pieces of your heart but its you who needs to glue it back together.
November 20th, 2014 6:26pm
Depends on the person, really.......................................................................
I'd honestly say that it's rather easy getting over the person themselves. It's the damage that sometimes a toxic relationship can leave behind that can take a great deal of time to heal from. For myself, it took about a month to get over the person but it took a long time to heal from the damage the person caused and be able to move foward in a new relationship without fear, reservations, or carrying pain from the past. I know people say in order to get over the old you replace with something new and to a degree that's true but my advice would be definitely to heal before you deal! Trust yourself, your instincts and let time heal your wounds no matter how long that takes for you. You will come out like pure gold in the end. Promise!
The old saying is 1 month for every year you were together but it really depends on you, how you felt,what they meant to you and the reasons for splitting up. I'd suggest you chat with an active listener.
Till you believe it's time for you to move on (until then you can never really move on . even if it's years and you're holding on . You must let it go , find a new dream and hope for the best)
April 16th, 2015 10:16pm
7 years. After that it wont be so bad anymore. Tho if you see the person offten it takes longer.
It certainly depends on the individual. Usually, these things are supposed to take time. But i have seen many, including my friends move on very quickly.
In my case it has been almost 3 years now and I am still struggling and fighting to move on. It is probably one of the reasons for which I am diagnosed with Depression. But still, the intensity of these struggling will get lower as the time passes by. But at the same time it can also be the other way around also.
The mistakes I had done were sticking to the same plans and dreams me and my ex had set in the past while she has moved on. It is always better to have someone to vent about all these and slowly setting new plans and focus areas. It is difficult though. But it is necessary to remember that there is no easy way also. And do not try these so called shortcut ways like moving into another relationship and all real quickly thinking it would help because most times it ends up in another hear break.
These situations can be used favourably also, like to identify the flaws and faults in us or to improve spiritually. And after all realising that they have the freedom to leave you is also important. Letting them go as they wish is the best thing to do for us and them.
And silly things like burning or dumping all the monuments can also be helpful. The fact is it is o painful so I had kept all that all these years but a few days ago may sister pushed me to do all that and helped me with it also. It can be disturbing for sometime but slowly it cools our mind.
The difficult thing will be for those who were so dependent on their ex, like in my case. All I can say to you is find a good listener/friend here in 7 cups to help you with.
And all the best everyone. You are not alone.
There's no specific answer to this. Everyone is different. But to get over someone in a way you want it to be, is to find Distraction and FOCUS. This is important if you really want to get over someone.
March 1st, 2016 7:12pm
I remember asking myself the same question when I went through a breakup with my partner of 5 years. The conclusion I came up with is, how long did you love your partner? What kind of love was it? Was it deep and intense or was it lukewarm and temperamental?
I find those who have loved someone for a long time with deep intensity, needed more time in moving on from the person that they love(d). Those who did not feel that sort of intensity, seemed to recover quicker.
The question isn't and shouldn't be, how long does it take but rather HOW can I move on from a breakup? Sometimes family and friends are able to help guide us towards a path of healing, sometimes we take this journey alone and meditate on the things we could have improved while with our partner. Either way, each relationship is special and unique in it's own way, so your path to "getting over someone" will be as well. Nor should there be a standard time limit or expiration date needed to get over someone. Only you will be able to truly determine that.
Wishing you the best! :)
Getting over someone is different for everyone, there is no set time frame. Try to focus on yourself and become the best version of yourself you can possibly be and you will soon see how strong a person you are and that you truly deserve the best in this world.
July 9th, 2015 1:05pm
Depends on how attached you were to them and how well you are trying to get over that person. For me since I did things I love and reminded myself how my partner helped me, went out and so it only took 1-2 weeks.
You never really "get over" someone. Feelings don't go away, they evolve. So move along and don't let those feeling get the best of you.
In my experience, the amount of time it takes to get over someone is entirely dependent on you and the nature of your relationship with that person. It could take days, weeks, months, sometimes years if the relationship was long enough or meant enough to you.
Had it been mathematics, I would love to come up with a number.
Alas, it isnt.
'Getting over someone' involves going through the pain of separation, recognizing the realities of the situation, understanding the personal responses to the phenomenon of the relationship and making peace with it all.
How everyone tackles these (assuming your relationship was, at the least, somewhat serious), varies from person to person. I took close to a year to move on after a 5 year long relationship.
I hope you find your peace. It may be difficult, but far from impossible.
I don't think it's so much getting over that someone, but it's trying to get over all the memories you created, all the amazing times you shared, the ups, the downs, the laughs, the cries, the pain, the arguments, the love. Going past a place where you spent time together or smelling their perfume, that's what makes it even harder to move forwards. It takes time, some people take weeks, others takes months, others take years, some may never really get over that someone. It's difficult, it's painful, you'll feel okay one day thinking you're moving forwards and then you'll find yourself crying the next day. You need to give yourself time and be kind to yourself.
January 8th, 2016 4:54pm
It took me one year to get over a break-up when I loved the guy.It was a two years relationship and he never once said 'I love you' during that time.
April 10th, 2017 10:16pm
It depends on the relationship, when I ended it with my boyfriend during an argument it took about a year and a half for me to stop longing for him. But afterwards I realised it was not him I was longing for it was the fact that I blamed myself for why the relationship ended, I hated myself for letting him go. With relationships I've had afterwards getting over someone has been much quicker maybe a couple of months because I didn't blame myself for flaws in the relationships and I just accepted that it was not right.
getting over someone could take forever depending on what you felt towards that certain person and how much you cared
Everyone is different with this. It's taken me 7 months. Some can get over someone in the matter of days or a few weeks.
That varies, for sure! It can depend on how close you were, how big a part of your life they were, and so on. It'll vary because your experience is unique, typically however, the closer you've become with an individual, usually the harder and longer it takes to get over losing them.
There is no special time limit. The time it takes to get over someone varies. Some take longer and others not so long. It's up to you
Well personally even after a 1 1/2 month relationship with the first girl i felt i ever loved its taken me 6 months and even then i had to stop doing stuff so i didnt see her
It depends on the person and ultimately the relationship. How long you knew the person, if you were friends beforehand. If it was your first relationship or not.
August 16th, 2015 8:00am
It depends on how much that person really meant to you and how much you really loved them.
January 3rd, 2016 2:57pm
Honestly, sometimes never. Sometimes you can never get over someone despite how hard you try. Love/relationships are complicated.
It can take months, years, days, seconds. It really depends on the individual. People might be like "If yous dated for long then it'll take a long time" Yes that can be true but it can also be a lie. Some people can date for 4 years and get over someone in weeks. The best way to get over someone quick is to stop stalking their social media and tracking every step they take.
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