Looking for new hobbies
Hello! So my name is Kallie, and recently I went through a lot of hard life stuff that I won't get into here, and I have found myself without any hobbies. I'm currently trying to go through a dopamine detox, and want to find hobbies to fill my time with now that I am going through an introverted stage of my life where I'm trying to focus on healing. I need suggestions for hobbies to do that are relatively calming, easy to learn, and affordable for beginners to start. Some of the things I have interests in quite frankly are too expensive for me to get started right now. I've been looking at doing knitting but I don't know where to start and it's a little overwhelming for me. So any suggestions on where to get started in these hobbies or resources on where to learn the basics would also be great!
hm, that's a great question. i have some kinda alternative ideas for you because i know most crafts have expensive supplies...
something that i enjoy doing in my free time is board games (i know board games are really expensive) but there's this website you can play them for free against random people, and you don't even need a computer, you can do it off your phone, and it's totally free https://boardgamearena.com/ (some of my favorite games are incan gold, wingspan, can't stop, and L.L.A.M.A.)
something else i just learned about that could be considered a "hobby", i learned its possible to volunteer for charity organizations without leaving home, you can find cool charities to work for on https://www.volunteermatch.org/
and finally, i don't know from personal experience i'm afraid, but i remember when i was a kid my aunt used to volunteer her time making scarves and hats for a homeless shelter, and they would supply her with the yarn for free. that was a Loooong time ago though haha, so i just checked with copilot and yeah, it said places you can contact that might offer arrangements like that, either for donated items in return or just to help people who can't afford crafts otherwise, thrift and craft supply stores get donations and sometimes they offer them to people in need, local libraries and community centers will too, and they sometimes even offer free craft programs to learn crafts, and churches and youth groups sometimes do something similar.