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I hear that fruit has sugar. How much should I eat of it? Does it matter?

8 Answers
Last Updated: 04/21/2020 at 2:19pm
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Top Rated Answers
- Expert in Weight Management
February 27th, 2018 1:10am
Fruit does have sugar, but there are different types of sugar that work differently in the body. Fruit has a type of sugar called 'fructose'. Unlike other sugars (like the ones found in chocolate or sweets), it's metabolised differently in the body. Sugars like the ones in sweets send a spike in insulin (which means we crave more and this can lead to diabetes), but the ones found in fruit do not. Having said that though, an overload in fructose is not good for the body - so the key is balance. TLDR; fruit is a better sugar but like everything - best in moderation.
December 1st, 2017 12:50pm
Fruit is natures natural candy bars, They are all full of sugar, mostly Strawberries but fruit is a nautral source of many vitamins etc to. Again all in moderation, eat a piece of fruit, its healthier than chocolate but if you eat a ton of fruit, you will be eating way more sugar than the body can burn or it needs.
March 2nd, 2018 3:03pm
It does have sugar, so as with most things, practice moderation! Eat low sugar fruits with fiber, like apples and berries. Avoid fruit juices! They remove all that good fiber and concentrate the sugars. Good luck to you!
September 8th, 2018 7:59pm
Sugar, in general, has been vilified in the health community. And important question to ask is, what form of sugar is this? When it comes to fruit sugar, it comes in the form of fructose, which is a monosaccharide. We need different types of (natural) sugars to fuel our body's processes. This is in great contrast to synthetic sugars available in processed foods, added fructose and high fructose corn syrup, which are known to drastically impact our chemistry. When you eat a whole fruit, you digest the fructose with fiber, making the fructose digest more slowly and release more slowly into your blood stream. This avoids the common pitfalls of high/low sugar instability. Unless you have a clinically tested fructose sensitivity, or have diabetic challenges, fruits are a very healthy source of nutrition. When we practice 'intuitive eating,' we can tune into our body's needs and it will inform us how much we need to feel satiated. Enjoy!
March 2nd, 2018 6:52am
You are correct that fruit does have fructose, a natural sugar. I'm not sure where you are from, but our national eating guidelines suggest a maximum of 2 pieces of fruit per day, as part of a healthy diet. This being said, every person is different, so it is best to consult a dietician, nutrionist or doctor for more accurate advice, that is specific to your bodies' requirements.
July 9th, 2018 3:26pm
Different types of fruit have different levels of sugar content in them. They are, without a doubt, better than artificial sugars as they are naturally formed; however too much consumption of sugary fruits can also be bad for your health. An adequate amount should be consumed each day. for example: green apples, bananas ( good for fibre), oranges (good for vitamin C), etc
October 11th, 2018 1:57pm
Never skip fruit!!! Long story short, your body needs sugar to function, and fruits are a great way to get that nutrient. I really recommend melons if you can get them where you live, as they not only help you keep your blood sugar content at a manageable level, but they also hydrate you! Fruits also provide a lot of antioxidants and vitamins, so they're really good for you! As for serving size, I always try for a cup a day (thats what the 21 day fix recommends too!) Only cut out fruits if its under the best advice of your doctor though :)
April 21st, 2020 2:19pm
Hearing fruit has sugar can be a scary thing when you're trying to be conscious of your sugar intake, I know Ive felt the same on my health journey. It might also seem very overwhelming to find the right answers with the amount of information that is out there on the internet as well. But its so great to see you trying to make conscious choices regarding your health, that is such an important step on your health journey and a very courageous one as well. While I cannot give you medical advice about your nutrition, I am here to support you on your journey if you need it!