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Lisa Groesz, PhD
With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.
Top Rated Answers
January 25th, 2016 11:53pm
You don't cut in the first place. You just don'y do it. Or you die. Either one. Which ever works for you
December 29th, 2014 10:27pm
If blood is pumping out your wound in time to your heart beat it's likely you've hit an artery and you should call an ambulance to get yourself to hospital as quickly as you can. If the wound has got something embedded in it or will not stop bleeding after 10 minutes it's also important that you get yourself to hospital.
First things first, you need to put your blade down. That's the most important thing, I cannot stress it enough. Step two, call 9-1-1. If you even suspect for a second that you've cut too deep, you need to get medical attention.
If you're in doubt you should always seek medical attention. Cutting as a coping mechanism should always be the very last resort in the first place but if you've already done it then make sure to clean it thoroughly with clean, warm water and salt. Make sure the blood is clotting and if it isn't then talk to a trusted adult. If the wound keeps bleeding put pressure on it, either with just your hand or if you have access to one a clean bandage.
The section 'When to seek medical advice' on this page is very useful:
Immediately wash the cut and bandage it. Apply pressure to the cut and i'd say if it still bleeding, not necessarily heavily, after about 30 minutes OR if you feel lightheaded before that immediately call 911 or someone to take you to the hospital.
Immediately contact a trusted adult and/or call 911 and receive first aid. Urgency is crucial. It can be scary but you even if you're on the fence, you should seek help.
First call 911 or an emergency contact, you need someone who can get there as fast as possible. Secondly you should stop the bleeding; put pressure on the wound and get it above your heart. But remember to breath, don't panic yourself further that will only cause more problems in the end.
If you think you've cut do deep, call 911 as soon as possible. It is best to clean up the wound as best as possible, wrap something to contain the blood. Keep your cut upward and raise it up to keep the bloodflow from getting too worse. Try and calm yourself down by breathing
December 11th, 2015 2:34pm
Go to the emergency department and let them take a look at it, you might need stitches. Deep cuts can lead to death.
May 14th, 2015 6:51pm
Get to a hospital asap! Your health is at stake regardless of cutting too deep or not. You need to get help for your wound if you've cut too deep!
December 10th, 2015 12:52am
Seek medical help as soon as a possible. Get proffesional help from a councelor that can help you with your situations, sometimes all we need is someone to talk to. I can speak from experiance and say when individuals physically harm their self its because at the moment you feel nothing and all you want is to feel something, and no one understands, It's a way of punishing yourself. We all as humans have our problems, downfalls and have hit the bottom of the pit. We all as humans react to our pain differently whether it be mentally or physically. We all as humans have been hurt in different ways, out there are people who have experienced what we have or have other experiences with the same amount of pain. You are not alone.
You go to the ER(Emergency Room at a Hospital) and get stitches. You can also call "the doctor on call"(not quite sure what it's called) and they will guide you through what to do.
If you have cut too deep then you must immediately cal emergency services, whilst they're on their way rest whichever part of your body (for example your leg) and keep it elevated. Also, try cover and put pressure on your harm where you have cut to lower the bleeding. I also recommend that you consider going to the doctors to speak about any issues you are experiencing. Next time you feel in a position where you may harm yourself you should speak to a listener on 7cups or ring the samaritans on 116 123.
December 23rd, 2015 8:10pm
If you think you have cut your self too deep then tell somebody. Or you can put heeling alchohal and it will make your cut stop bleeding.
Seek immediate help. Call 911 if it's really bad, or hurry to an urgent care center. They will fix you up. You'll be okay.
Try your best to stop the bleeding and seek help as fast as possible (relatives, ambulance...). Do not panick and do not try to solve it on your own, you might not be able to handle your continuous bleeding.
Firstly, try to stem the bleeding by applying pressure with a towel or bandage, elevate the wounded area and call the crisis team or 999 to have somebody come to your aid immediately to give you medical attention!
You need to get help right away so you dont loose to much blood because you might need stiches and you need to make sure it dosent get infected
Coming from a registered first-aider: grab a towel, shirt, washcloth, anything handy and apply direct pressure to your wound. If possible, have someone with you to be able to place you in a resovery position if necessary. Call for medical services as soon as possible.
June 17th, 2015 5:11pm
Get help from an adult or a person who knows what to do. You might even want to call 911 if you think it is a threat to you life. Put pressure on it to try and slow the bleeding.
December 24th, 2015 3:30am
breath deeply and calm down. next take care of the wound and remember that your going to be okay, ok
December 19th, 2015 7:42pm
Immediately seek medical help. Call an ambulance. Try to stop the bleeding, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself.
If you have caused a lot of harm, put pressure on the wound and go to your nearest emergency room. Do not run the wound under cold water, and do not try to hide it.
Take alchocol and desinfect that. If the pain is not enough go to the emergency.
And think about that everything has its consequences
First you need to go to the hospital. Then I would find someone who will keep you from cutting and have them help you.
First you need to calm down and breathe. You're heart-rate may be high. First you need to get help. Do not let it go untreated especially if you cut a vein. Stop the bleeding then treat it or it will get infected and hurt even more. Wrap it up and throw your razors or glass away. Go get help.
It is important to take in immediate details of the wound. Try to get someone to be with you while you wait for medical professionals arrive. Hold pressure to the wound to try and steady the blood flow, and see a doctor immediately. Stitches may be required, or medical glue. It is important to remain calm, because if you panic there is a chance of passing out from adrenalin, which may delay you being able to get medical assistance.
If it bleeds too much, seek help cause it can be dangerous. If you know you tend to cut too deep, try to avoid parts of body with bigger veins that are more likely to bleed. But I'd really recommend you try other way of coping. I know it can be really, really difficult to stop with cutting, but it's possible. You can find someone you trust that can help you with that. You can do it :)
December 19th, 2015 7:02pm
Immediately apply some kind of tourniquet to stem the bleeding, contact emergency services asap and make sure you also seek help from anyone nearby.
You call an emergency number and tell them what your situation is, how you are feeling, what you did and where you are so they can pick you up or help you as fast as possible to avoid any more incidents. In the mean time you should put a towel or bandage around your wound and press it so the bleeding will or stop, or slow down.
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Reviewed Nov 14, 2024
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