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Can a person have more than one type of OCD?. Do they affect the person at different times?

3 Answers
Last Updated: 10/04/2020 at 4:53pm
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
Ta Tania
5 star rating
Moderated by

Paola Giordani, Psychoanalyst

Licensed Psychoanalyst

I have helped and am helping people cope with loss, divorce, anguish and parenting. Depression is also a major issue that comes up.

Top Rated Answers
October 4th, 2020 4:53pm
yes absolutely yes!! there are so many different variations of OCD- primarily obsessive thoughts, related disorders like dermatillomania or trichotillomania, or even OCD with comorbidities like generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, or eating disorders. You are absolutely not alone and how OCD affects you is personal and still valid.
June 26th, 2018 4:02pm
Yes, a person can have more than one type of OCD in the sense that a person can experience contamination and checking, for example. OCD is different for everyone and often times, stereotypes only portray one type of OCD. It could be possible that different types of OCD affect a person at different times or that one is more prevalent at the moment.
September 11th, 2020 6:53am
Someone with OCD may have several different Obsession and Compulsion types, as well as co-occurring disorders. So for example, an individual with OCD can have obsessions focusing on contamination and the compulsions might be constantly cleaning surfaces or hands. Or an individual may only experience obsessions, also known as pure-o (pure OCD), where they won't experience compulsions or if they do are mental compulsions such as counting, focusing on thoughts, etc. An individual with OCD can also have co-occurring disorders such as depression, generalised anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, etc. An individual may also have what they call 'sub types' of OCD which are disorders that are apart of OCD including hoarding, body dysmorphic disorder, body focused repetitive disorder, Trichotillomania (hair pulling) disorder or excoriation (skin picking) disorder, etc. Does this make sense? If you would like some more information I would suggest having a look at the below websites to gain more information: International OCD Foundation: Beyond OCD Headspace Beyond Blue