What is the difference between isolation and loneliness?
305 Answers
Last Updated: 08/30/2021 at 7:36pm
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Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc
I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.
Top Rated Answers
July 2nd, 2016 7:01am
I think isolation is being alone or away from people for a long time, it can be good for spiritual purposes or when a creative projects needs you to get "in the zone". It can be bad if it is caused by depression, social anxiety etc. as it can create a loop where you feel worse because of lack of social interaction :( Meanwhile, loneliness I believe is when you are feeling deprived of support or the kind of social interaction that is inspiring or, well, good for you. So one might feel lonely even when around people because of not getting the kind of support or mental stimulation you need. Wow this answer became longer than I expected, I hope it helped :)
Isolation is usually by your choice..- Abandon people for a period of time to clear your thoughts or have a break from the hectic life - . Loneliness usually happens out of your hands, without you intending for it to happen. You can be surrounded by friends and family and still feel lonely.
Isolation is the state of being alone, loneliness is the state of feeling alone. Loneliness can occur even when a person is not isolated.
According to me, isolation is being alone, away from everybody. And loneliness would mean feeling alone, regardless of whether you're with somebody or not.
For me isolation means deeper than loneliness. We often may experience loneliness, but for those who are suffering from depression, feeling isolated is more common and severe. However, I tend to think that there is not such a big difference between isolation and loneliness. I frequently feel loneliness when I am very down, which can lead to feeling "isolated" because neither my family and my friends are supportive. When I feel lonely, I could still try to keep in touch with my friends or members in 7 cups. However, when I feel isolated, I do not wish to go out and talk to others. I feel useless and worthless living in the world. Thus, I myself try to express my feeling whether I feel just lonely or isolated and worthless. As a listener, I hope some people who feel "isolated" like me can open to us, listeners and get someone's help from us and doctors. If you can tell us how far you feel lonely or isolated, I would sincerely appreciate it because it is very good to understand you better.
Isolation is a state of being,loneliness is an emotion. Both can be circumstancial or self induced.
February 8th, 2018 5:00pm
Isolation doesn't mean that you are lonely and feeling lonely doesn't have to be because you are alone or isolated. Yes, usually they do come in pair. But keep in mind that a healthy dose of isolation is also a form of self-love: it gives you the chance to reflect and regroup. In addition, one can always feel lonely even you're in the middle of a happy crowd or in the arms of the one you cherish the most. It's because a sense of belongingness is also a factor.
June 30th, 2016 1:45am
In this context, isolation can be the act of choosing to be alone, being where no one will bother you, getting your thoughts cleared and getting the space you need. Isolation is silence time to yourself. Loneliness, however, can occur even when there are others around you. Loneliness is a sad feeling, it can make everything seem hopeless. Loneliness is something people don't choose to feel, but it happens often to a lot of us.
July 5th, 2018 5:13pm
Isolation is being physically alone or not having anyone to talk to. Loneliness is feeling alone, even if you are surrounded by people.
Isolation is being separated from people physically and emotionally. Loneliness can be brought by isolation. But it possible to feel loneliness without being isolated. You can be in a room full of people experiencing many emotions and still be lonely.
July 2nd, 2016 2:47pm
Isolation is keeping yourself away from other people and loneliness is a feeling when people don't want to be around you
July 8th, 2016 12:05pm
Lonely: affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
Isolated: the state of being in a place or situation that is separate from others : the condition of being isolated.
Basically, loneliness is the negative feeling that you are alone, isolation is literally being alone and separated from others. People who are isolated from others aren't necessarily lonely, and people who are lonely aren't necessarily isolated from people either. Some people live happy alone, whereas others can feel lonely even when surrounded by people.
July 21st, 2016 11:41pm
Isolation is a state which a person may find themselves in due to an event or group of events. Lonliness can stem from deeper feelings and future worries
Isolation is generally wanted. It may be a voluntary or be ordered act of separating yourself. Whereas loneliness is a feeling in which you feel as if you are alone and no-one understands you.
Isolation is when you wish to seek people out but becz of one or the other reasone you are left alone, it could be any reasone.
Loneliness is when you have no one to hear your deepest thoughts out someone whome you can share your deepest fears secrets and all the things in your mind.
December 28th, 2017 4:51am
Loneliness is the feeling of social isolation - and it can take place in the middle of a crowd. It is more of a state of the mind of a person who is actually spending on his own despite having family and friends around. When a person finds it difficult to accept the presence of people around him or her and chooses to be on their own, this is called loneliness. Isolation is referred to be that particular situation when a person does not have anybody or thing around. This may be caused deliberately, for instance, when someone chooses to spend some time in a place where not a single person is there or when a person is kept in a place where not many people is allowed throughout the day, for instance, in healthcare institutes, etc. A person may be found isolated when he or she has been left out of a group or similar situation and is left to spend time on his/her own
July 24th, 2016 11:03pm
Isolation means that you are segregating yourself from others. Loneliness means you have segregated yourself from others and feel unhappy.
Isolation is being separated from other people. It is physically not speaking or interacting to them. Loneliness is the feeling that results from isolation. It is when you feel sad and alone because you are isolated.
June 29th, 2016 2:53am
Isolation is a purposeful act of secluding yourself from others, while loneliness in less intentional and more situational.
April 17th, 2020 11:30am
Isolation can be defined as a time bound step which let a person separate himself from other for a period of time. Loneliness describes the lack of social bonding, lack of friends, missing friends & family and other things where a person feels he have no one to share feelings and thoughts. Loneliness isn't for some limited time. A person can feel lonely for weeks, months, years, decades maybe he remains lonely for the whole lifetime. Isolation doesn't last for whole life. People isolate themselves for many purposes. For professional reasons, for family, for getting rid of stress people isolate them.
April 17th, 2020 10:03pm
To me isolation is a more permanent state that loneliness. It is about feeling separate either emotionally or physically from others and completely without support. Loneliness to me is more about missing specific emotional connections that you used to have in your life. Maybe you’ve recently moved to a new city or gone to college for the first time and are away from family and friends. Maybe you and your significant other have separated, either temporarily or permanently, and you miss them. I think loneliness has a lot more to do with specific people shaped holes in your life and with remembering what it was like when they were there. Isolation I think can occur after a long period of loneliness. But it’s important to note that it doesn’t have to be that way and that both can occur at the same time. And they are both completely independent of your physical distance from other people. You could be isolated or lonely even in a room full of people.
Isolation is usually sought or forced upon. Loneliness is rather experienced involuntarily without external influence.
There is a thin line of difference between the two i.e. choice.
Isolation is your choice, You chose it. While loneliness isn't your choice yet due to external or internal factors, you feel lonely and not like being there.
Isolation is when you are happy being alone, loneliness is being isolated, while wanting to feel love and support from others
Isolation and loneliness are often connected to each other. One may be caused by the other. However, isolation can be presented in both mental or physical ways and its often a choice, while loneliness is only mental, caused by circumstances, with the unability to connect to someone.
Isolation is more of a physical factor in the sense that you have been removed/have removed yourself from social interaction of any sort. Isolation can be positive (setting aside time for much needed introspection), or negative (being driven away from social interaction by bullying, etc..). Loneliness is more of a mental factor, in the sense that you could be alone or amidst a crowd pulsating with energy and still feel as if you're a small speck in a vast expanse of space. This is always negative, and is usually resolved by opening up and finding someone who you can really connect with .
July 22nd, 2016 10:54am
Isolation is when you have been physically isolated and loneliness is a feeling that a lot of people experience at different times in life.
Isolation could be being physically alone, but loneliness is more than a feeling, it's a physical and mental experience.
They're basically the same.
Isolation for me has the connotation of being sort of a physical version of loneliness. Like, isolation is where you are are actually far away from other people as well as feeling far away
It's also kind of like a more severe kind of loneliness that kind of crushes you.
July 9th, 2016 3:47pm
For me, isolation is like out of reach, can't be reached or connected. Loneliness is lack of social interaction
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