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Top Rated Answers
i used to exercise with the goal of losing weight, but over time, i've started to realize that there are lots of other reasons why exercise is really important and good for me (and everyone else). exercise is a way to help me get stronger, have better cardiovascular health, and improve my mood. exercise releases endorphins, which definitely improves my mental health and makes me feel better. beyond that, i'm a huge proponent of self-care. as much as i love face masks and massages, there are lots of acts of self-care that can be done on a regular basis (like exercise!) so, to sum up, exercise is great on a physiological level, for your mood and mental health, and because it's a way to take care of yourself and show your body that you love it (or are trying to get to that point)
Exercise is important for many different reasons! It could be for personal reasons, to keep healthy, or for work to keep fit and active. But most importantly, regardless of what you are exercising for, it is a key part to maintaining a healthy mind.
Exercise is very important because you need it to stay healthy, especially for your heart. Not exercising can ultimately lead to heart attacks and strokes. Not excercising also increases your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
There are so many benefits to exercise, both physical and emotional! In addition to increasing your muscle and making you stronger, exercise can help relieve stress, boost self esteem, and for me it makes a big difference for making my life feel more "put together". Although some people say it's boring, it doesn't have to be if you find the right way to implement it into your lifestyle, which is different for everyone.
Exercise is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and helps your body to burn calories.
There are many types of physical activity, including swimming, running, jogging, walking and dancing, to name a few.
Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. Exercise doesn't have to be any hard core Cardio or weight trainings, any simple physical workout that you may enjoy doing counts and matters too. Some benefits of exercise are -: It improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress. Daily physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic disease. Help in sleeping better etc. Exercise helps us improve our lifestyle and is good for all aspects of our health , physical as well as mental. It's nice to spend a few hours a week on some physical activity of our choice for healthy living :)
You are special being and you deserve to be happy, healthy and living every moment of your life in the best way you can. Exercise has many positive impacts on your life. your emotions, your mood, your energy levels, physically, it can boost your self-esteem. Try different things to find the thing you most enjoy doing, something fun that doesn't feel like a chore. I personally am not a gym person. However, I love yoga, stretching and attending dance classes. I have attended different styles of dance to see which ones I enjoy the most. have fun with it. experiment. Try new things. you deserve it.
When you exercise you do good to your health, mental and physical. You're starting feeling more sexy, cool and relaxed. It wil take sometime until you have the desirable results, but if you can at least try you'll notice that exercise gives you a strength so different. Your mood will change. The skin will be more flexible and your daily or weekly program will be more interesting. Through exercise you'll definately combat stress and you can also meet other people who do so to share this. You can set a goal of 10' a day or 3 hours a week. Find a gym that suits you, go for aerobics, or track n field, start dancing, pilates or even yoga.
Take care. xxx
May 17th, 2020 12:01pm
Exercise is really helpful in overcoming anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. It is been proven time and again by many of the researchers. The fact that exercise is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle is known to all of us. It not only helps us physically but mentally too. I personally workout on a regular basis with two days off a week or so. It is beneficial to workout consistently rather than doing it vigorously for a week and then doing nothing at all. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by including an hour of exercise daily. Many people find it difficult to go to the gym due to their busy schedule or work at the offices but I highly recommend working out at your own pace in the comfort of your home. There are quite a lot of amazing apps out there that come in handy with an easy UI that not only gives the diet chat but also helps to track your progress. And tracking progress is something that keeps me going!
August 17th, 2019 4:57pm
I may assume you mean physical exercise. Exercise has proven to have numerous health benefits. We can first take a look at what happens if you don't exercise. You have a higher risk of getting heart disease, becoming obese, feeling breathlessness, having lack of energy, higher chance to get depressed, lack of mobility, lack of strength, lack of endurance, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and bad posture. Most of these can be easily managed and lower the risk with exercise. Exercise has also been proven to be more effective than some anti depressants. It's a great way to explore new things in life and gain a lot of health benefits, that can be very difficult to manage without exercise. It can also be a social thing, where you get to make new friends! Ofc a healthy life is non existent if everything else is screwed up, like sleep, sufficient diet and rest. But exercise still serves an important role in our lives. Humans are built to move, and with the growing of paasive jobs, exercise becomes even more important to consider in our daily lives! I don't think it's rational to play with your health and risk all of those things i listed, plus another page full of risks for no good reason. Ofc if you have some sort of disability or such, it can be more difficult, but there's always some way everyone can do physical exercise! You will thank yourself when you're a grandma/grandpa and still are able to walk and move, instead of sitting all day every day!
exercise has MANY benefits. Although you won’t see results right away, your body in the inside is thanking you. Whether is stretching, cardio, especially drinking water is important!
Exercise is important to me because it helps with fat loss and helps keep the muscle on! It also helps chase away the blues and the physical effects of anxiety.
Exercise is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle which comes side of healthy balance diet, Exercise can be really useful for helping keeping a good mental health and helps to clear your mind, exercise can be a great way of meeting new people and making new friends if the activities are in community or in groups, They are a lot of activities all ages can get involved in such as running, swimming, basketball, dog walk groups so many more, good idea to get family member or a friend to join in a activity so you don't feel overwhelmed when going new things.
January 9th, 2020 10:21pm
There are many benefits to exercising, and the benefits to you personally, will depend on YOU personally. Meaning, each person takes something different away from exercising and when you know what you want to take away from being physical, the more likely you are to experience those specific benefits, which include, weight loss, cardiovascular fitness, raising endorphins, warding off depression, lower blood pressure, reducing anxiety, raising adrenaline and thus boosting your mood, as well as socialization aspects that can occur from joining a gym or a running club or similar activity, where meeting and connecting with people is bound to happen. There are many many advantages to getting physical though the ones that resonate for you are the most important.
Exercise is important because it makes us feel good about the present as well as reduces the production of "stress hormone" for the next 24-36 hours. It increases the energy level of the body thus making us more active, alert and aware about ourselves and the environment. Once we start exercising, our bodies feel a sense of high, a surreal experience. It keeps us motivated to continue once the habit of doing exercise develops. Its not necessary to exercise for hours even light exercise for 15 minutes for 5/ 6 days in a week is enough to keep us healthy.
January 18th, 2020 6:12pm
Regular physical activity can help the mind and body deal with stressors. Research clearly demonstrates that getting regular exercise improves mood, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and improves cardiovascular health. Studies have also shown people with mild to moderate depression experienced a 50% reduction in depressive symptoms when they participated in 30 minutes of aerobic exercises 3-5 times a week. Examples of aerobic activities include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, and playing basketball. Find just 20 minutes of alone time to relax, take a walk, write in a journal, or meditate. Research shows meditation may decrease stress, reduce anxiety/pain/depression, and enhance mood and self-esteem. Not only that, but exercising is just a healthy thing to do.
January 22nd, 2020 9:33am
Exercise has many health benefits for everyone. Exercise reduces risk for many diseases, including (but not limited to) heart diseases, stroke, many types of cancer, diabetes type 2, many mental health issues, etc. It also helps you staying in good shape, prevent becoming obese or overweight or it can alleviate losing excess weight if you are obese or overweight. Exercise can improve also your self image, self esteem and thus improves your emotional health and consequently mental health. Exercising is also a form of socializing as you can exercise with another people or outside where other people are (you don't feel as alone as you would if you were inactive at home). Exercise can also improve your sleep.
Exercise is an important part of our lives and should be a regular occurrence. Exercise provides three main factors. Physical, mental and emotional wellness.
Fitness, along with proper nutrition, is important for a healthy lifestyle. Being fit may help increase energy, maintain physical functionality and may prevent or minimize complications from chronic diseases. If you do less exercise or activity you will become deconditioned. Your muscles weaken and lose bulk including the muscles you need for breathing and the large muscles in your legs and arms. You will become more breathless as you do less activity.
Physical activity can also help your concentration skills, by providing a release valve for stress and pressure and encouraging higher levels of endorphins. If you can concentrate well on important work and social tasks, you'll be happier overall.
February 15th, 2020 5:20am
Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life. A minimum of 30 minutes a day can allow you to enjoy these benefits.Increases in daily activity can come from small changes made throughout your day, such as walking or cycling instead of using the car, getting off a tram, train or bus a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way, or walking the children to school.
Exercise for me is hugley important whether it be running walking out in the country or yoga it doesnt really matter, but its the whole process of having the motivation to do it which engages my brain and having it invloved in something else to focus on because when im not moving around and just sitting still its a very rapid decline in my thinking and becoming stale and therefore opening the gates to all the negative thoughts that would flow in and taking over motivation and creating the pathway for depression to set in which in turn breads anxiety, so its simple excercise is really important to me even going to work is a healthy think for me this keeps the brain active and engaged, use it or lose it.
Exercise is essential for everyone. It keeps us healthy, can release energy (catharsis), and has been scientifically proven to help relieve feelings of both anxiety and depression. When we exercise, the brain releases endorphins - these can lower stress levels, improve the immune system and lead to a decreased appetite. Furthermore, the brain releases serotonin, a natural "mood booster". Serotonin is classed as the "happy" chemical in the brain. The number of positive emotional effects gained from regular exercise is endless. These effects include improved self-esteem, enhanced mood, better memory and mental functioning - and decreased stress. However, as always, we have to exercise with caution to prevent exhaustion, muscle damage and dehydration.
The Mind-Body connection has long been recognised as essential for one's well-being. However, nany people like Descartes viewed these as separate entities and believed that the mind(nonphysical)exists distinctly from the body(physical).This revolutionized science into today's analytical methodology where the body is systematically studied. However, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to conclude that thoughts affect us in surprising ways. Likewise, our physical states affect our wellness. Exercising de-stresses our bodies,improves our general health and resets our tangled minds. It essentially boosts our mental health by maintaining flexibility. By applying simple exercise routines in our daily lives, we could enjoy the benefits of a clearer mind and a fitter body. In the practise of well-being, what matters is how we reduce the anxieties, stresses, and perserve sanity. Exercise is the key to keeping stresses in balance n worthy of our time investment.
Exercising regularly doesn't only make for a healthy body, but also a healthy mind. There are thousands of studies emphasizing the effect that exercise has on the brain, such as the release of certain chemicals that will help boost your happiness. It's even considered as one of the main intervention techniques for people who stuggle with mood disorders. It also helps with sleeping better at night!
When I say exercise, I don't mean strenuous hours on a treadmill or lifting weights like The Rock. 20min of training a day (which is as easy as walking around the block a few times) is enough!
i want to appreciate the life i have as effectively and for as long as i can - mobility and overall healthiness help with that immensely! feeling like i can move more easily and feel my body work is a great joy in my life, and it's almost constant. it's also great to be working towards something - even the smallest goal achieved can make me feel like i'm super strong! when i started exercising, i thought i'd get bored, that i wouldn't have enough time for the things i like, but after a year of it it's become something i look forward to. walking is relaxing, running is satisfying, and lifting weights makes me feel powerful. i still spend time on the couch chilling too, but i'm not missing out by spending an hour or so a day doing something good for my mind and body either. that's why exercise is important for me.
the endorphin rush is pretty good, too ;)
Exercise is important to all of us! The benefits or doing sports are great and a lot, the one thing that keeps make exercising that I feel really good afterwards. Sports make us feel like we are taking care of our bodies and feel refreshed and energized. Although everyone can say for sure that doing sports can help you feel better and decrease the feelings of sadness and depression. I think doing sports and exercise also help in your overall health. It’s really important to exercise, any kind is good, walking, running, zumba, aerobics, weight lifting and a lot more. 2 times a week as a start could be great.
May 9th, 2020 12:19pm
Exercise is actually important for you for many different reasons. First of all, exercise keeps you fit and healthy, mentally and physically. Also, exercise can relax you, also mentally and physically, meaning you can feel better about yourself and feel better throughout the day, also helping you to get better sleep throughout the night. Exercise is also important because it is keeping you active, well and healthy. It is better to get exercise thank stay at home and do nothing to keep you more active and refreshed. People tend to find happiness after doing exercise When dealing with any unwanted emotions, good exercise can help .
It helps your brain to focus and helps with letting go of stress...It Can Make You Feel Happier. ...
It Can Help With Weight Loss. ...
It Is Good for Your Muscles and Bones. ...
It Can Increase Your Energy Levels. ...
It Can Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Disease. ...
It Can Help Skin Health. ...
Help Your Brain Health and Memory. ...
It Can Help With Relaxation and Sleep Quality.Exercising regularly lowers a person's risk of developing some diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Exercise also can help keep your body at a healthy weight....and alot more just think about it
April 1st, 2020 2:20am
To keep me fit and healthy, and keep my mind active and positive, and to make me feel good about myself. To know I’m as important as everybody else. To make me feel comfortable within myself. To stop me feeling bad about myself and to encourage other people to stay fit and healthy at all times, and show them that they need to value themselves, and to do it for themselves and because their worrying about what other people might think of them, it’s about them and not what other people might think of them, be happy and worry about yourself.
Exercise explores my strengths & limits. I can push myself or take it easy. I decide. Its uplifting & feeds my soul -- a great stress buster. Curiosity led me to a consistent practice, not any idealization of a desired outcome. It has connected me with a great community of supportive people. Recently, I had an emergency surgery and will not be able to exercise for the next few weeks. It's been humbling. I've become a lot more aware of my own able bodied privilege and reflective of the importance and meaning of exercise now that I can't.
It keeps your body healthy and fit, it keeps your mind distracted from thinking negative thought or any current stress. They are different type of exercises you can do and you can decide whether indoor or outdoor exercises. Some exercises that I can think of is yoga, swimming, biking, wall climbing, gym, basketball, baseball, football, soccer, or you can also do any hobby like painting, video games, sewing, reading, blogging, and many more. If you every feel down do any hobbies or sport and if you don’t have any try something new, these will keep you distracted and entertained.
It maintains your weight, that means that they prevent both, weight gaining and continuous weight losing, and that's by the calories that were burnt during the exercise. So it can work through the gym or increasing the daily activities or frequent walking.
It helps you to improve your mood. Exercise practicing, either by going to the gym or walking for half an hour contributes in enhancing your mood, because physical activity stimulates the chemicals in the brains that reinforce the feeling of happiness and relaxing. Also, exercise reinforces self-confidence and self-esteem by getting a better look.
It can also decrease your stress a lot and enhance your energy levels.
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