Why can't I stop the wanting of throwing up my food?
56 Answers
Last Updated: 04/23/2022 at 10:25am
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Lianne Kirby, MA in Counselling Psychology
I believe everyone should have the opportunity for their voice to be heard. I use a trauma informed, person centred approach in counselling.
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The instant after your purge is complete, a sense of peace and wholeness overcomes you. You feel powerful and in control. It results in a perverse, but intense high and satisfaction.
You decide maybe you’ll do it again. What’s one more time? It was so easy the first time anyway.
And that’s how your addiction begins to infiltrate your mind, body, and spirit.
Low self-esteem, suffering, and the inability to cope effectively are at the heart of all addictions.
People with eating disorders also struggle with their identity—with establishing who they are and how that relates to what they want and the world outside.
The addiction is an effective way to cope with life when you don’t understand your emotions; you have only a limited capacity for self-respect, and you don’t have healthy relationships with people.
It's something predictable and comforting. It seems dependable. It becomes your friend.
But all of that is just a myth. When things seem stretched too easy or seem too perfect, that's when the red flags should be waving.
Never take your health for granted. You don’t realize just how important it is until you don’t have it anymore. Even if you’re a relatively healthy person, if you haven’t been to the other side, you don’t know how blessed you are every day.
Always remember that your body is a sacred temple. Treat it with as much respect as you would any other physical temple. Anything else is cruel.
People forget that bulimia is an act of cruelty.
It’s not just something you do. It’s not just a psychological disorder and sickness. It’s an act of brutality that bespeaks a profound level of anger toward, and fear of, yourself.
Then a time comes where your anger and fear take possession of your body and you become your own personal agent of death. You punish yourself because you think you deserve it, while struggling to survive long enough to take another beating.
Your eating disorder is now your identity. When you say “I,†you mean “we.†You make decisions together, you think together, and you live together.
Even thinking about separating from your other half sends you into a panic. How can you survive without it now?
It’s terrifying.
It’s intolerable.
It’s possible.
I can only tell you what it was for me. I used to do that in high school because my mother always thought I was fat and made fun of me. I internalized the message that if I am fat, I cannot be loved, so thought that in order to get love, I have to be thin. That is why I purged after large meals. I just wanted to be loved.
January 1st, 2015 12:54pm
i've dealt with bulimia or rather binge/purge type anorexia a while ago. i am recovered but what i can understand is that when you binge, or rather when you think you binge (eat an amount of food which is not okay with the limits you set for yourself) you feel really guilty and what you've taught yourself is that you must get it out of your system. throwing up is one example of purging. however love, this wont do much for you. it doesnt get rid of calories, fat, anything that had been consumed. only puts so many complications and strains on your body especially your heart. its a really bad habit and behaviour and i know how difficult it is to deal with and be able to heal from, but it's best that you see a professional. maybe an eating disorder clinic or a therapist of sort who can refer you to one. they can get you on the right track to healthy eating and so forth :) you don't need to feel guilty about what you've eaten. when you deprive your body of what it needs, it basically screams for it and binge eating is a result of that. just always remember, tomorrow is a different day. understand that you will not gain weight from it, you think youve eaten more than you actually have and try to get a better understanding and knowledge of nutrition and health rather than focusing on just weight. when you put good things into your body and treat it well in general, you feel good :) you deserve to feel good love take care of yourself x
Quite possible that you are over conscious about gaining weight. It's important to go and diagnose the cause for uncontrollable vomiting. Anxiety disorders, depression and eating disorders like Bulimia nervosa etc are associated with the same.
Other reasons could be gastric infection due to contaminated food/water etc.
This is a tricky situation. Wanting to throw up food can be an obsession. It can be something that makes you feel good, but deep down you know that it's not good for you. Having an Eating Disorder can blind you and eat away at you for a very long time. Wanting to throw up is the same way. You think that it's healthy and that you want a good body image, and you are then blinded by this idea of the perfect body, that you forget what is healthy. Food is out fuel and we need to make sure that we keep at least a bit of fuel in us to keep us going. So ultimately, you throwing up food could be a psychological image in your head of what a "perfect" and "healthy" body is.
Something like this is associated with eating disorders. For people with disordered eating habits, things like purging can become like an addiction. Say you begin to throw up your food once a week. You feel relieved afterward, and you begin to enjoy that feeling of relief, causing you to do it more often. It is ingrained that purging will lead to a sort of positive feeling, therefore your brain wants to do it more.
November 21st, 2016 5:59pm
While I cannot pin a Bulimia Nervosa diagnosis on everyone who chooses to self induce vomiting, I can for a fact say the disorder and the behaviour stem from control issues and dysmorphia. It is usually a mix of feeling helpless and feeling insecure that leads to eating issues like this. Personally, I am in recovery and it is the hardest thing to do in life. To admit something else is wrong besides yur weight. Why, is subjective, but it all comes down to wanting to feel like you can do something right.
i feel this too, i think that it is because it becomes addictive because of endorphins or something like that and maybe the feeling of food inside of the body is uncomfortable. i was told that if you keep ignoring the urges the feeling will go away but i dont know
October 1st, 2016 5:09pm
In my opinion I think you have bulimia, it is an eating disorder. Try eating on a smaller plate, it helps control weight balance
February 17th, 2019 6:47pm
There may be a gnawing fear of gaining weight, feeling fat or sickness from anxiety that makes your stomach churn. You may feel it to be a way to manage weight, albeit one that can lead to many serious concerns later on in the future. It may be the self destructive desire to feel pain, whereby the sickness alleviates the internal pain and worry and fear by externalising it. There are many triggers as to why one may wish to.
But in the end, it all stems from internal suffering and a wish to externalise it some how. Often in desire to control, change, alter or feel, it is a sickness and action that racks the body, mind and soul.
December 14th, 2014 3:21am
While the idea of throwing up after eating seems a bit far-fetched to many people, it is something that thousands of people have experienced. It is a common sign of a serious problem: an eating disorder. Purging may start out as a "diet" of sorts but it can quickly become an addiction. You may find it hard to stop because of the addictive nature of the act.
From my own experience, purging can be used as a form of comfort, and as a way of inplementing some form of control into your life, where there is a lack of in relation to your emotions. Therefore trying to separate yourself from this behaviour which has comforted you in the past can be incredibly challenging. It can become your 'coping mechanism' very quickly, which is of course very dangerous and a difficult behaviour to break from. Whenever you get that urge to purge, you could try to distract your mind by doing something else. Perhaps go for a walk, or meditate? Whatever is most comfortable for you. Eventually the behaviour will begin to break and you will no longer crave that need to purge, because you will have found alternative ways of coping. It takes some time, and there is no doubt that you will sometimes relapse, but as long as you are patient and forgiving towards yourself you will get there. I didâ¤ï¸
May 24th, 2016 6:09pm
There is never one reason for wanting to throw up food. Try to find the cause of the problem first.
Maybe you have an eating disorder. The anxiety of eating and wanting to throw up all of your food is called bulimia. I would see your primary care physician about these feelings, or see a counselor.
If you have thrown up your food before, it can become addictive. Sometimes even the body becomes accustomed to throwing up after eating, making it difficult to keep food down. If you want to stop feeling the urge to throw up your food, I recommend getting professional help to overcome your eating disorder.
Well, it could be for many reasons.
Each of us have ways of conduct that we've been building ourselves with time. Many of them have a strong emotion or belief behind them.
Maybe theres one in you telling you that you'll feel better, or you'll look thiner, or you would be able to enjoy more food.
YOU can stop throwing up, your ED is the one that doesn't. Deny that urge to purge because you know it is not right. Start by eating foods you feel comfortable with, that way you won't feel regret and want to throw it up. Keep in mind that feeling "full" is normal. Enjoy your food and eat until you are comfortably satisfied. Eat a well balanced meal, but don't over do it.
If you want to throw up your food, you may be suffering from an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia. I would get checked out by a doctor as soon as you can.
Eating disorders are very difficult, particularly if you have become accustomed to doing this for a long time. If you have been throwing up food and then try to stop, you are still going to want to. A good idea would be to try and find the reason why you want to do it and then work on it. There is a guide towards eating disorders on this website which may help you.
February 16th, 2017 11:24pm
Because it's a habit, eventually it becomes normal and a way of life. The feeling and knowledge of food being digested is tough at first after being used to throwing up but to overcome this takes great strength. Focus on getting healthy, on a more 'normal' eating pattern and habits make this your new routine.
First Thing's First: You have to realize what you have is an eating disorder, and that it is life threatening. If you can accept you have a disease, and that you need help, you can RECEIVE the help. There are all sorts of in, and out-patient treatment programs to help you overcome the want to throw up food and help you figure out the root cause for why you do it. Talk to your doctor or therapist about resources available. You can also find more resources and treatment options here: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/
My response is not meant to be replaced as a physician's opinion. Please seek help as soon as possible, and good luck!
You might have an eating disorder which you should definitely go and see a doctor about. Nothing to be ashamed of having, if you do have one. There are ways to help control or even get rid of it, and it's important you get it seen now than later where it can become too serious to stop. Your body and feeding it is very important and if you're constantly throwing the food you put into it back up, you'll become weak in your body and lack the important things you need to be healthy and have the ability to do the normal things in life. I wish you luck!
It sounds like what I used to go through. If you feel anxiety, or like if something bad will will happen if you don't throw up, it sounds a lot like bulimia. I'm not trying to diagnose you through a computer, but it could be beneficial for you to look in to. It can be very dangerous, you deserve to be in control of your life. If you eat quite a bit more than what you usually do before you have to urge to throw up, it could be a binge eating disorder, No matter what it is that's causing this problem, know it isn't your fault, and that it's possible to change.
Eating disorders and food related issues such as this are all about having control. If you want to throw up after eating ask yourself "what do I think of my body image?" I would think you are unhappy with it, changing your view on this will be a massive challenge. As I said it is about having control, try to do other things in your life that allow you to have control but that are safe for your health. Something else that could be helpful would be to watch documentaries or videos on Youtube (try SBSK) relating to eating disorders. You can learn a lot and they can be motivating to stop.
July 11th, 2019 8:19pm
Because throwing up is a way of trying to “get your control back†after you lost it. There’s a really bad feeling after that comes after eating a lot if you have an ED, the only way to try getting “skinny†again is throwing it up. You simply don’t want that in your body, you feel disgusted by yourself. But you shouldn’t be, It’s totally fine to eat, eat healthy and stop binge eating and purging. You’ll never get healthy if you don’t eat healthy. You’ll never have a steady nice weight if you don’t eat normally. Everyone needs to understand it
August 30th, 2019 11:58pm
while i'm not qualified to diagnose you, i think it might be worth looking into eating disorders. wanting to throw up your food is a symptom of bullimia nervosa, which is a dangerous mental illness. something that might help you in the meantime is identifying how you feel when you want to throw up. disgusted? sad? angry? identifying those feelings is one really major step you can take to seeking out the help you need. best of luck!
Looking into how this started in the first place, is it something you think about regularly, how often and are there specific triggers that cause the desire and have you followed through with the actual purging of your food. These are all questions to explore and being honest with yourself answering them could lead to a better understanding as to why you feel the need to purge. As well, how badly do you want to stop this behavior? Are you feeling negative feelings or affects in your thoughts and life because of the desire? Finding the reasons that this doesn’t work in your life, and determining where you fall with your desire to change can help initiate that start of changing your thoughts and hopefully leading to a positive change in outlook and behavior
Your throwing up might as well be a sign of depression.maybe because you are not feeling too well which has resulted in your loss of appetite making you to throw up.perhaps you think of uncertain and unpleasant things while eating.it can also be caused by some allergies or reaction to bad food or it could be that you are having one of the symptoms of a particular ailment.which ever way it is,being cautious and avoiding Negative thoughts while eating might help.it might also be best that you visit a doctor to help shed more light to the situation.I hope this helps.
February 26th, 2020 9:19pm
Throwing up your food purposely may be a sign of a serious eating disorder. There are many reasons you may be feeling the urge to do this, but whatever the reason, it is very serious. If you feel like the urge to make yourself throw up is getting out of control, or it is scaring you or anyone in your personal life, I would strongly advise you to speak to someone you trust about it. It could be a parent, a therapist, a teacher... any adult in your life who you feel comfortable talking to. Also: I know you might be feeling scared, or sad, or any other range of emotions about this, but I promise you will get through it.
March 18th, 2020 11:00pm
This tends to be an eating disorder behavior typical of bulimia, and it's called purging. Something that I was told in group therapy for eating disorders is that people who purge do it to throw up their feelings. Do you want to throw up because of another issue? What else is going on in your life? A lot of times eating disorders are used as a way to not have to feel our actual emotions, once you process those emotions it'll begin to get easier to not listen to that little eating disorder voice in your head that tells you to throw up food.
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