Feeling lost
I feel like I am stuck in life. Everyone is moving and doing amazing things in life and I am so lost. I want to trust god that he has a plan for me but I just don’t know. I don’t know if the life I am leading is mine. I am not the greatest Christian. I am not disciplined and pick and choose when being a Christian is convenient to me.
how do I change? How do I stay disciplined and devoted to god?
I feel like I have been waiting to hear god in my life. To hear him tell me what I need to do in life. What path to follow. I should trust god but why do I feel so lost and empty. I keep telling myself that god is the answer and that if I become a good Christian he will answer all my prayers. But I have been failing. I feel like I am disappointing god and that’s why I can’t see him in my life. I don’t blame him though. I haven’t been a good daughter to him so why would he show up? Why would he answer my prayers or give me peace?
im sorry
Thank you for sharing. Remember you are loved by Him and cannot disappoint Him.
just like any relationship, you grow closer as you spend time with Him - in prayer, reading His Word, praise and worshiping.
Sometimes we are our worst critic. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time, and be kind to yourself.