Community /
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support
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Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.
Welcome to LGBTQ+/MOGII Support! We are so pleased that you have found our little rainbow here in the 7 cups forums. Our community is here to support you as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person, family member, friend and/or ally. Whether you are curious and questioning, or out and proud, and all the stages in between, this is a place where you can find support in being who you are and coping with the challenges that come with it. We strive to keep this a safe space for all. Here you can discuss anything and everything related to the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and being LGBTQ+/MOGII.
What are the different forum topics for LGBTQ+/MOGII Support?
Asexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about asexuality? Explore more here!
Checking in and breaking the ice: A place for you to introduce yourself, take part in our community check-ins and get to know other community members by participating in fun games!
Community & Culture: Want to know more about the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and cultural contributions? This is the place to learn more!
Discussions and Resources: Want to participate in meaningful discussions and access additional resources? Join in here!
Gay Support: Got a question or want to share more about being gay? Uncover more here!
Gender Identity Support: Questioning your gender identity? Want to share your experiences? Discuss it here!
Intersex Support: Got a question or want to share more about being intersex? Learn more here!
LGBTQ+ General Support: Struggling with other issues as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person? Working to cope with issues impacting the wider LGBTQ+/MOGII community? Find more support here!
Lesbian Support: Got a question or want to share more about being a lesbian? Share your experiences here!
Multisexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about multisexuality? Discuss more here!
Questioning & Coming Out: Are you questioning? Thinking about coming out? Maybe you already have? Share your struggles and stories here!
How can I heIp?
You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information. Even just participating in events, check-ins and group chats can be a great way to help build and support the community!
Helpful Threads
Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified every time a new discussion or update is posted!
Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to? All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.
Help… I still have a question!
You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.Community Guidelines
1) Be kind & open minded at all times!
2) Do not impose any beliefs onto another in any harmful way!
3) Please don't express judgments or attack anyone within the community!
4) Please respect each other's gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, identities in general!
Community Leaders
Group Support Mentor / Teen Star
Community Resources
1. Abuse, Violence, Discrimination & Safety
(Abuse guides and resources, violence prevention and staying safe, normativity, discrimination, privilege)
(Resources for allies, caregivers, families, organisations, communities, schools...)
3. Asexual & Aromantic Spectrum
(Resources, guides and websites, finding your identity, gray-asexuality and demisexuality)
(Resources for you before, while and after coming out)
5. Emergency & Crisis Resources
(Helplines, hotlines, emergency numbers, crisis information)
(Understanding gender expression, feminising, masculising & binding, names and pronouns)
(Understanding and finding gender and gender identity, gender terminology and glossaries)
8. Health, Dysphoria & Transitioning
(Gender Dysphoria help, transitioning resources, LGBTQ+ health information)
(LGBTQ+ supportive religious resources by denomination)
(Understanding sex diversity and intersex, resoruces)
11. Sexual & Romantic Orientations
(Understanding attraction and orientation, finding and accepting your identity, gay, lesbian, bi, pan resources)
(Being LGBTQ+, coming out at and seeking work, university or school)
(Resourses for the Trans community)