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What am I doing

SparklySeas49 Saturday

I think too much, but here goes.  Pardon the grammar gaps.

I joined this site because have no one who understands and I cannot sit with my thoughts alone.  Looking around here see a lot of voices, needing reassurance guidance venting, you name it.  All good reasons.   I can’t help but wonder how my voice will be heard here.  How it will help to type into the space, my personal details issues.  Sure I hope to hear feedback opinions, … would love ultimately find a close friend that I totally click but I know that’s not likely. 

Ive done online therapy, group support, one on one… its a lot of typing and SO time consuming. Do I start with my restlessness from loneliness and isolation?  Or the issues that got me here because they surely lurk unresolved.  I feel I’m preaching to the choir to say that I have found not a single person who can ease my pain, after years. Ive followed guidance advice gratitude reframing god i could list dozens of homework.  My reward? Ive actually broken family connection by trying to get support from them because i have no one else.  What an utter shitshow.  

I feel my mind is shutting down from the overwhelm and futility while things continue as they have been for years.  

Hopeless and helpless they call it.  How is a human supposed to overcome, survive even, let alone thrive. 

Thanks for reading this far. 



I think you know many of us can relate.

Maybe we post expecting someone to have an answer or yet another suggestion of try this... another reason i believe therapy has not worked for me.   i do it as explaining some things makes it clearer to me. 

Many mean well hoping some item they have done works for you too ... I find my relief my understanding my frustrations becoming clearer when I write it out. . 

 I also find solace in reading of other's struggles as some have it much worse and some well i think they do not see how trivial it sounds. it is all a work in progress.

1 reply
SparklySeas49 OP Sunday

@toughTiger6481  this response is so insightful! A truly valuable reason for posting our personal struggles.  And that therapy isn’t as much about resolving but voicing my personal testimony…it’s a relief just to be heard.  💖

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