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World Mental Health Day: Prioritizing Workplace Wellbeing
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
October 16th
...See more Hi everyone, The 2024 World Mental Health Day theme is Mental Health at Work: It is time to prioritize mental health in the workplace. Some of our admins and ambassadors have shared helpful tips on how to prioritize workplace wellbeing and I will be sharing them in this thread!  Have a reflection about these tips or want to share your own? Feel welcome to join the discussion by replying to this thread.
Work Prompt #20: What is teamwork for you?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 11th
...See more Welcome back all, I hope you are all taking it easy on yourself at work this week. A few weeks ago we discussed: What is one question that might be bothering you? []  Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you. This week's prompt: What is teamwork for you? What role does teamwork play in your workplace? This discussion is focused on what is teamwork and how it works out for you. The goal is to discuss and share our thoughts, views, and how we want the teamwork to be. Let's share to discuss I look forward to hearing and discussing with you all. 
Work & Career Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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August 18th
...See more Welcome to the Work & Career Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 18 August 2024 (updated by @tommy) @bubblegumwings1234 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @ImpudentIncognito @IsayUncle @KristenHR @nordurnStar @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @trueconfidant123 @warmheartedCamp3360
I cannot fathom working for 35+ more years
by turquoise21
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...See more I’m 31. I’m on my fifth job since graduating college back in 2016. Worked for healthcare for the majority of these years, a short stint in the food industry, and now I’m in an entry level corporate position. I am burned out. Beyond burnt out. Every job I’ve held in my professional years has been high stress, unreasonable workloads, and unsatisfying.  I have no aspirations for trying to find a new “career”. I have searched and scoured and taken various free online courses for different interests and I do not care for anything. I just want a job that can make ends meet and not make me mentally unwell   I’m miserable and so exhausted. I’m crabby and *** off all the time. I can’t relax when I’m not at work. I hate all the repeated advice of making sure to set boundaries, getting enough sleep, exercising, having hobbies, not being so serious about work, finding another new job that won’t make you mentally unwell. This is capitalism, baby. Take it or be homeless. All I’ve know is large corporate companies, I can’t imagine small businesses could be better.  I hate that I have to work to survive on a planet I didn’t even ask to be on. I wasn’t made for sitting at a computer for 8+ hours a day, but I have no direction on where to head anymore. I’m completely lost and discouraged. Everyday I hope something just takes me out so I can get a break.  
Getting Married - Creating Issues at Workplace
by greenComputer7185
Last post
November 27th
...See more I am getting married in next 3 months. The top management is concerned that I will leave the job and move forward. They are questioning me a lot. Also people are toxic and talking behind my back about my marriage and that i will leave. What to do. Please help.
Job related 5 years Feeling Stuck
by Divineluxx
Last post
October 30th
...See more Hey everyone, I needed a space to vent. I feel so burned out with my job of 5 years now - between the work relationships and management and the big box company. It weighs hard on my mental health, I sometimes come home from a stressful day feeling pretty low. I have been using this place for a couple of days, and its a great place to vent and get peace of mind. But, I have been looking for something new and feeling stuck. Everything I apply for its just not working, and my mental health is not doing good from it. Like I am tired of smiling about a place am tired of doing like why is this so hard to overcome?
What to do when.......
by KarmaTheRascal
Last post
July 17th
...See more This kind of goes with burnout and work stress........ but what do you all do when you get burned out at work? Or annoyed with your co-workers?
I Hate Working
by VintageDougers
Last post
February 1st
...See more The new year is here, and I'm back to my same old feelings about work. Today is my first day back since December 22nd and I woke up with that all too familiar sense of dread for the day ahead. I've convinced myself that I am going to pass young, like in my early 60s, and that I will inevitably be working until the day I pass. This thought fills me with so much sadness and anger that it's really hard to get through the day. I'm 42 now, both of my parents passed in their 60s (dad was 62, and mom 67 this past July), and other family has also passed younger. It seems to be a thing in my family, and this I'm convinced that I will follow suit. Everyone that passes in my life just reinforces these feelings. And it's not the job or the people I work with. I took a job in IT Service Management in Aug of 2022 and I have excelled pretty quickly in the position. I got a promotion after less than a year. My boss is easily the best boss I've ever had in any job on my life. He's very patient, understanding and compassionate. I'm very open with him about my mental health issues (the depression and grief, I've not opened up to him about hating work yet) and he always supports me and tells me to do what I need to do. I told him this morning that I was struggling and without hesitation he told me to reschedule my meetings for the day and to take whatever time I needed. He's just an amazing human being, which honestly makes this situation even more difficult and distressing, because I always feel like I'm letting him down as well as myself. This is just so tiring. I've been trying to find a psychiatrist but have been having a really hard time with that too.
by sympatheticHuman9093
Last post
January 25th
...See more I realize I dislike my boss on a personal and professional level and it is affected my mental and emotional health. The lady is a pathological liar and narcissist who cry and cry wolf and micromanage and don’t trust no one. I don’t know what to do. I love my employees and the staff but dislike her. She makes my skin crawl when she looks at me and she don’t even think she does anything wrong. Everyone hates her and she cries about it but keep doing the same thing over and over! I feel so discouraged around her. What should I do!
I know what the problem is and it's not me, it's YOU
by NoWordsNoVoice
Last post
January 11th
...See more I have never been understood and have been chronically misperceived.  It's the same situation over and over again.  I go about daily life, work, or whatever, and anyone and everyone else will look at me like I'm crazy (they're clearly trying to determine what drove me to do what I did and why), however, when they work out whatever it was that I was doing, they end up doing the same thing and just remain quiet. The fact of the matter is that I have been discriminated by anyone and everyone both in my life and there is not a thing that I can do about it; it's NOT my problem.  YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! It's fact.  It's realistic.  It's logical and common sense.   I have tried and done everything in my power to make you, the illiterate understand, however, all that is ever demonstrated is your lack of comprehension, intelligence, coherence and cognizance. I'm absolutely done with the illiterate.  LEAVE ME ALONE!
How Perfectionism Leads to Burnout—and What You Can Do About it
by innateJoy9602
Last post
September 5th, 2023
...See more "What is perfectionism? While there’s no single formal definition of perfectionism, a number of statements characterize the mindset, including these: * “I try to do everything as well as possible” * “I put high standards on myself and most things I take on” * “I push myself to be the best at most things I do” * “I commit myself to most things I take on.” The good news is that perfectionism is not an intractable trait. Rumination over past errors is another emotional land mine for perfectionists * Ditch ruminations about past events, doubts, and self-recriminations. If you feel you absolutely must worry, try a sort of capsule technique in which worrying is confined to a certain amount of time per day—say 20 minutes. At other times, try thought-stopping techniques like wearing a rubber band around one wrist and snapping it when rumination starts to surface. Perfectionists can also work on improving their real-time, in-the-moment tolerance for flaws or imperfections. * Admitting errors as they happen—both inwardly and, if necessary, outwardly to a supervisor who might need to know of the mistake—is anathema for the perfectionist. But being able to do so helps build the perfectionist’s emotional immune system, making it less susceptible to torment over having done a less-than-flawless job. Perfectionism can also be turned outward—with perfectionists finding fault not just with themselves, but with others. * Show co-workers and loved ones the same forgiveness and grace perfectionists ought to be showing themselves. Psychologist Dennis Stolle, senior director of applied psychology for the American Psychological Association, echoes this idea, citing the perils of other-directed perfectionism—whether it’s a parent demanding only the best from a child in sports or a boss holding employees to the same unforgiving standards." Read the full article on Time [] ✨Takeaway: While no one is immune, perfectionists are particularly vulnerable to burnout. However, perfectionism is not an intractable trait, and there are techniques to help. These include cognitive reshifting, improving real-time tolerance for flaws, admitting errors as they happen, and finding fault not only with oneself but with others. ✨Reflection: Are you a perfectionist? If so, do you feel you tend to get burned out easy? #Perfectionism #Burnout #Work #Health #MentalHealth ------------------------- If you liked this article, you may also enjoy: "3 Shortcuts to Immediately Improve Your Work Life" []
Your Guide to Understanding and Managing Workplace Stress (Article)
by sunnyWriting4806
Last post
May 4th, 2023
...See more “Managing stress in the workplace may seem like just a task for employees, but the reality is that reducing work-related stress requires a comprehensive approach that involves both employees and their employers. In one small study from 2018, researchers explored the work stress prevention needs of roughly 15 employees and supervisors from different occupations. According to the study, some of the possible stress prevention measures included things like adequate staff, appropriate workload, frequent breaks, and open communication, among others. However, sometimes it’s not feasible for someone to wait for workplace changes to alleviate their work stress ― especially in industries that are more stress-prone, like healthcare and customer service. So, here are some potential tools you can use as an employee to help you manage your workplace stress: * Mindfulness: Research shows that engaging in mindful activities like meditation can help reduce stress and job strain and improve overall well-being. * Movement: Any type of exercise is beneficial for stress, but research suggestsTrusted Source that mindful exercises like yoga can help significantly reduce work-related stress. * Therapy: Therapy with a trained mental health professional can help you learn different coping strategies to better manage your stress levels at work. * Connection: If you’re feeling stressed or burned out at work, reach out to your manager and let them know how it’s affecting you. There may also be employee resource groups set up to help reduce stress in your company culture. While there are many different approaches that you can take to help lower your work-related stress, it’s not always easy to take that first step. If you’re concerned that the stress from your job is having an impact on your quality of life, reach out to your doctor to discuss the next steps.” My Takeaways: * Workplace stress is affected by a complex interplay between work environment and also the personal experience one receives when working. A great environment can certainly help but the subjective perspective of the worker is important as well. * The article states that some personal things we can do to avoid burnout is practicing mindfulness, finding ways to move around the office/workplace, connecting with fellow workers and managers, and therapy if needed. * In the past, workplace stress was seen more as a natural part of work, something one should “get-over”. But more and more we see that workplace stress is a very real phenomenon and can cause companies losses and workers health problems. Therefore it’s important to address these topics to create a healthy workplace environment and educated employees who are able to work their best without burnout. Full article is here! [] #WorkStress #Burnout #Stress What are some ways you prevent work-related burnout?
Improving your work-life balance can make you a more effective leader at work (article)
by sunnyWriting4806
Last post
May 4th, 2023
...See more “Managers who disconnected from their jobs at home felt more refreshed the next day, identified as effective leaders and helped their employees stay on target better than bosses who spent their off hours worrying about work. Less-experienced leaders were especially prone to becoming ineffective if they spent their time focusing on their jobs at home. The upshot is that the key to effective leadership in the office might be a better work-life balance. Led by scientists from the University of Florida, the University of Arizona and Florida State University, the new study was published April 6 in the Journal of Applied Psychology. "The simple message of this study is that if you want to be an effective leader at work, leave work at work," said Klodiana Lanaj, a professor in UF's Warrington College of Business who led the research. "This is particularly important for inexperienced leaders, as they seem to benefit the most from recovery experiences when at home. Leaders have challenging jobs as they juggle their own role responsibilities with the needs of their followers, and they need to recover from the demands of the leadership role."” My Takeaways: * Studies show that managers who had the most effective leadership and performance at their work were those who were able to successfully disconnect from their work and maintain a healthy work-life balance. * Managers who were able to shut off work related tasks and duties reported feeling more refreshed and their results seemed to show them better being able to assist their employees in meeting goals and quotas. * Although this study focussed on managers, I believe a work-life balance is crucial for everyone else as well. Often muddling work throughout the day can lead to burnout and without proper breaks to disengage from your project work can easily become tiresome. In effect it can make you more inefficient and unproductive than you would if you took proper breaks to refresh yourself. Full article is here! [] #Work-LifeBalance #Career #Burnout What are some ways we can maintain work-life boundaries?
5 Tips to Help You De-stress and Bring Happiness During the Workday
by innateJoy9602
Last post
April 2nd, 2023
...See more "1. Set priorities. Trying to do too much makes you less productive and can stress you out. It can even lead to job burnout — a specific type of work stress. Try this: Experiment to find the best way to organize all the tasks you need to do. Try organizing apps. Or make a color-coded list in a notebook. Be realistic about what you can accomplish. And don’t feel bad if the items that are lower on your list get bumped to tomorrow. 2. Take control. Even with a high-stress job, you can gain some control with “job crafting.” That means finding a way to adjust your job to match your talents and the way you work best. Try this: Talk to your boss about making some small changes. Maybe you can: * Ask if you can work from home a few days a week. * See if you can shift your hours to fit the times of day when you have more energy. * Take on new tasks that fit your skills. Pass other tasks to somebody else. 3. Find healthy ways to de-stress. Almost everyone has trouble dealing with stress at work. After a tough day, it may seem easy to soothe yourself with junk food or a glass of wine. But this can bring on poor mental and physical health in the long run. Try this: Healthy ways to deal with stress look different for everybody. Find the routine that brings you joy, whether it’s going outside each day, cuddling your child or your dog, or spending a few minutes alone to get ready for the day ahead. Find what works for you and give yourself permission to do them. 4. Focus on the positive. Negative thoughts can be bad for your health. Too much negative thinking can lead to regular stress. That can put you at higher risk for some health issues. Pay attention if you’re having thoughts like I can never finish this or My boss is a monster. Try this: Write down your negative thought on an index card. For example, I’m not good at writing reports. Then flip the card over and replace that negative thought with a positive one. You might write: My boss wants me to do this because she likes my work, or Each time I do this, it gets a little easier. 5. Get the help you need. Feeling bad every day? You might need to talk through your problems. Check your policy to learn about your mental health benefits." Read the full article on Optum [] ✨Takeaway: Feeling happy at work can lead to better mental health and productivity. Drinking plenty of water, exercising, getting enough sleep, and finding joy in everyday routines can help to de-stress. ✨Reflection: What helps you de-stress from work? #Work #Career #Job #Happiness #Positive #De-stress #Workday ------------------------- If you liked this article, you may also enjoy: "Bullying at Work" []
Employees tend to avoid taking breaks despite high levels of stress (article)
by sunnyWriting4806
Last post
March 22nd, 2023
...See more “The researchers also found that although previous research has shown that breaks can benefit employee well-being and performance, they may resist taking breaks if they feel supervisors discourage breaks in their workplace. Although there may be a misconception that breaks are unproductive, Phan notes that many employees take breaks because they are committed to staying focused and maintaining high levels of performance. "We recognize that it may not always be possible for employees to take more breaks, but if employers can promote employee well-being by addressing the conditions that can make work unpleasant, they may be able to reduce the number of breaks needed," said Dr. Vincent Phan, first author of the study, which he led as part of his doctoral thesis in industrial and organizational psychology at Waterloo. The researchers hope that their findings will aid in promoting employee well-being and that future research will explore broader structural and contextual factors that influence break-taking.” My Takeaways: * One of the ways to work efficiently and effectively is to properly take breaks during your work to help let your body and mind recover for a bit before working more. However, this article shows that sometimes workers may be reluctant to take breaks even when they’re highly stressed. * Some reasons include misconceptions that breaks are generally a negative thing to ask for by their superiors and asking for breaks may put them in an unfavorable position with the higher-ups. Additionally some employees believe that they are better off without a break, unwilling for some off time to interfere with their productivity and high levels of performance. * While there may be situations in which the aforementioned statements/beliefs are true, the majority of research does support that a healthy break taking behavior is one of the contributors to workplace success and efficiency. Therefore supervisors and employee alike taking initiative in promoting break times may prove the best result. Full article is here! [] #Work #Breaks #Stress How can we contribute to a culture where taking breaks is normalized and seen as helpful to the work environment?

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