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Trauma Support
Bluelight, Medical & Veterans Trauma Support
Check-ins and Prompts
Child & Domestic Abuse
Coping with Attachment Difficulties
Creativity Corner
Dissociation & Related Disorders
Introductions & Welcomes
Journaling Stories
PTSD & Complex Trauma
Sexual Assault & Sexual Abuse
Trauma through Bullying
Trauma through War
Traumatic Loss

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Bluelight, Medical & Veterans Trauma Support Check-ins and Prompts Child & Domestic Abuse Coping with Attachment Difficulties Creativity Corner Dissociation & Related Disorders Introductions & Welcomes Journaling Stories PTSD & Complex Trauma Resources Sexual Assault & Sexual Abuse Trauma through Bullying Trauma through War Traumatic Loss19 hours ago
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Trauma Support
Please note: blue text is hyperlinked.
Welcome to Trauma Support! We aim to provide a safe, empowering, inclusive, supportive and proactive community for trauma survivors to have the opportunity to begin healing from our experiences, in a non-judgmental environment. We also want to help spread awareness about trauma and its impact on individuals' lives while validating the members of this community, reducing the isolation many people feel. Therefore, trauma survivors as well as loved ones of them or people who want to learn about trauma are welcome here.
What are the different forum topics for Trauma Support?
Bluelight, Medical & Veterans Trauma Support: Support for those who experience or witness trauma at work
Check-Ins & Prompts: Regular check-ins and prompts, created by our leadership team
Child & Domestic Abuse: For people who have experienced child abuse, domestic abuse or even both
Coping with Attachment Difficulties: Help and support for people with attachment difficulties
Creativity Corner: A creative space for poetry, art, and healing and recovery quotes
Dissociation & Related Disorders: A place to discuss your struggles with dissociation and how it relates to your trauma
Introductions & Welcomes: Are you new to the Trauma Community? Share a little about yourself!
Journaling Stories: This area is for sharing your story or creating a diary
PTSD & Complex Trauma: Share stories and seek support for PTSD and complex PTSD
Resources: Share and seek resources here
Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse: A place for those affected by sexual assault and sexual abuse
Trauma through Bullying: A place to seek support around the issue of suffering traumatic experiences as a result of bullying
Trauma through War: This section is there for people who have been impacted by war
Traumatic Loss: For survivors of traumatic loss of any kind
How can I help?
You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to).
Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.
In addition to that, you can take part in discussions or become a host for them.
Finally, you could also have a look at the posts of our trauma support sub-community writing team or even join it.
Helpful Threads
Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified for important posts.
Discussions: Here you can find out when the next discussion takes place.
Trauma Support Room Access: Find out how you can access the trauma support room here. The room is open during the discussions and on Sundays.
Masterpost: Within this thread, you can find a number of educative and supportive posts that our writing team has written.
Leadership Team: In this thread, you can get to know our leadership team.
Trauma Support FAQ
Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?
- Yes, all sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.
How can I give feedback or ideas to the leadership team?
- You can either pm audienta directly, use this form to contact the forum leaders, or this form for general feedback about the trauma support sub-community.
Help... I still have a question!
You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Community Guidelines
These are the Trauma Support Sub-Community Guidelines, which have been drawn up in addition to the 7 Cups main guidelines and are specific for the Trauma Support community:
- Uphold and comply with the 7 Cups main guidelines
- Respect everyone, members and listeners alike
- Do not discourage/be unsupportive/blame/judge one another for their past
- No graphic, in depth descriptions or pictures which could be triggering for others - in forums, chat and support session
- Please always add a trigger warning if you believe your thread could be potentially triggering/harmful and/or contains one of the topics on this list. Also, please add a short topic description to the trigger warning (e.g. "Trigger Warning: Domestic Abuse) and if you're in a group support chat, wait a moment to see if everyone is comfortable with the topic. If not, agree on a time span during which the person who's not comfortable with the topic leaves the chat. Once they come back after this time span, change the topic.
- Cursing not permitted and must be asterisked. (It is fine to vent and to express appropriate anger, but as curse words have often been used during abusive and traumatic experiences, we ask members and listeners to asterisk abusive/curse words to avoid triggering and upsetting members where possible and to maintain a respectful environment and to encourage positive and healthy expression of anger.)
- Forums postings made by listeners and members should be transparent, made in English and should not be blocked out using colouring to disguise content of wording/messages sent between members/listeners, to maintain the safety of all users of the trauma sub community and to ensure all rules are being complied with.
- Everyone is unique and their experiences are individual to them. Everyone’s experiences and how they think and feel about these are valid. Everyone reacts to traumatic experiences differently. This will be respected and appreciated without judgement.
Community Leaders
Community Mentor Leader
Chatroom Moderator
Community Resources
- 7 Cups Crisis Resources
- 7 Cups Welcome Pack
- PTSD/Trauma Q&A
- Masterpost: Posts of the Trauma Sub-Community Writing Team
- Schedule: Discussions of the Trauma Sub-Community
- Chat Support Guide on Trauma-Related Disorders
- Chat Support Guide on Dissociative Disorders
If you have resources that you want to be added to this list, please reach out to @audienta.