4/5 years clean and just did it again im so disappointed in myself idk what to do
Hi friend 💜
I know you're feeling disappointed, and maybe some other hard feeling too. And that's totally valid. You've come a long way, and this feels like a setback.
Your progress hasn't gone anywhere, friend. You maintained that streak for a really long time, and that's a huge accomplishment! This relapse doesn't diminish that win, and it's not a sign of failure or weakness.
In that moment, something was going on and you needed a way to cope. I am so proud of you for making it through that hard time. That's strength right there. And I have no doubt whatsoever that you are going to work through whatever is/was causing you that discomfort, forgive yourself, and keep on keeping on.
You are amazing. You have been so many places in your life, and you have made it to this moment. You are worthy and deserving of recovery, regardless of your past, your fears or doubts. I'm so sorry that you were feeling like harm was your best option to provide that support you needed. And it's okay that you did feel that way. Everything is okay, and you will be okay ❤
Sending warmth 💜🌿
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