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Relationship Stress
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Relationship Stress
Welcome to Relationship Stress! This is a safe, supportive and inclusive place where you can discuss everything and anything related to Relationships.
What are the different forum topics for Relationship Stress?
Breakups & Divorce: Are you going through a breakup or divorce? Talk about it here.
Community Space: A place for introductions, icebreakers and check-ins!
Coping Tools & Resources: Need some resources? Find them here!
Dating Issues/Tips: A place for all things dating.
Friendships: A place for all things friendships.
Relationship Space: A place for all things relationships.
Sexual Health: Need to discuss sexual health? Do it here!
Share Your Story: Share Your Story here!
Teens Only Zone: A place for teens to discuss.
The Self-Care Lounge: Take good care of yourself here!
How can I help?
You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable). Check-in with us, join a discussion, or start one! Alternatively, you can join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.
Helpful Threads
Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our tag list to be notified whenever there is a new discussion or update within the community!
Relationship Stress FAQ
Q: Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?
A: You can find sub-community specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.
Q: Are there any live group chat rooms?
A: Yes! Adults can join us every Thursday in the Relationships chat room.
Help! I still have a question!
If you need help, feel free to contact a community leader or post here, and someone will contact you!
Community Guidelines
Welcome to the Relationship Stress Community!!
✔ Maintain a positive and constructive environment in the Relationship Stress Community.
✔ Kindly do not express judgments, attack or impose beliefs onto anyone within the community.
✔ Please do not double post in different areas of forums & always ensure you're posting in the correct area so you can get better support. To know the various forum areas & get an overview of the community, please Click Here!!
✔ Please do not SPAM any part of the forums with unrelated links or ads.
Community Leaders
Community Mentor Leader
Group Support Mentor / Teen Star
Community Resources
★ Making the Sub-Community your home!!
★ Get started with Relationship Community!!
★ Relationship and Friendship Support Sub-Community Guide
★ Welcome Resource: Welcome to the Relationship Support Subcommunity!!
★ Discussion Calendar: Resource for you to know the upcoming support sessions on Relationships.
★ Breakup FAQs: This is a great resource for all those who experiencing break-up struggles in their lives.
★ 7Cups Self-Help Guides: to help you a bit to deal with certain issues you may face in your relationships.
✔ Breakups
★ Ember's Relationship Resources: a list of resources that could help you in understanding your relationships better.
★ 12 Relationship Tips: A good checklist to improve your relationships.
★ Relationship Support Wiki: the place where you can find some great resources on relationships.
Other Resources:
★ The Relationship Support Forum Team: Learn more about the Relationship Support Community Leadership & Moderation Team.
★ Apply to be a Forum Supporter!: If you're not a Forum Supporter and would like to be one, please apply through the application.
★ Become part of the Relationship Support Team:
✔ To join Forum / Feed Sub-Team, please Click Here!!
✔ To join the Adult Support Team, please Apply Here!!
Thank you!!